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"Welcome to our not so sweet home." I said in a joking manner when I opened the apartment's entrance. Sana rolled her eyes before entering with the little girl in her arms. I chuckled before looking at the other girl hesitant to step inside. I gave her a nod, and she finally entered. I was the last one who got in and locked the door. Locking of the door isn't known in their lifestyle anyway.

I saw her wandering her eyes around, and I smiled. "Feel at home, kid." I told her before walking towards Yujin's bedroom. I thought that the other girl could sleep with her for the night while the little kid with us. I don't want them to sleep on the couch. They could feel uncomfortable, and I don't want that to happen.

I opened the door carefully and let only my head enter. "What the hell..." I muttered when I saw the other side of the bed occupied. What is Minjoo doing here on a school day? Are these kids that in love with one another? I'm not against their relationship, but where the hell would the other girl sleep?

I closed the door and moved to sit on the couch to think. "Hey, kids, you're going to sleep with Sana. Is that okay?" I said after minutes of fighting with my brain. The older girl only nodded her head while the little girl smiled at me. I saw Sana opening her mouth, so I spoke again.

"Go take a shower so you would have a good sleep." I told them.

"We don't have clothes."

"Don't worry about that. I still have my younger sister's clothes stored." I knew that would come in handy. I gave them towels before they went inside the bathroom. I was about to get clothes in Yujin's room, but Sana gripped my wrist to stop me from moving.

"Where are you going to sleep then?" She asked me.

I pointed at the couch. "Don't state the obvious." She rolled her eyes at my reply. "Go take a shower and sleep." I said and went inside Yujin's room to get her clothes. All of our clothes got taken by Yoongi from my stupid parents' house. I don't have a clue how did he manage to do that until now. I focused on getting training before that I didn't get the chance to ask. Yujin was tiny when she was a kid. I think it would fit them, but it might be too big for the little girl.

Once I got them some pajamas that I didn't know that Yujin has, I went out of her room and saw no one in the living room. While waiting, I decided to make warm milk for them. The kids like milk. Am I right? I guess so.

I heard the bathroom door opening, and I'm still not done making milk, but I ran back to the living room and got their clothes from the couch. "After you change, go to the kitchen." I ordered before handing it to them. They only nodded before going inside the bathroom once again. After a few minutes, I heard footsteps coming, so I looked up and saw them. I smiled and gestured them to sit on the stools while I helped the little girl since she couldn't still reach it. She's that small, and I badly want to know their names.

I put the glasses filled with milk in front of them, and the little girl quickly drank it while the other only looked at it. Oh, she doesn't like milk? "Do you prefer something else?" I asked.

"I prefer chocolate, but it's okay! I could drink it."

"Don't drink it if you don't want. We have chocolate powder." I said, and I saw how her eyes sprinkled in joy. It made me smile, and I decided to do them. It hasn't been a minute when I finished since there is still excess warm water. I gave it to her, and she thanked me before chugging it down.

"Just enter the door on the left side if you finished drinking." I informed them before walking out of the kitchen but stopped when I heard her speaking.

"I... I heard something about prostitution, and that's why I ran away with Tzuyu." She explained, and that made me walk back. "My parents were arrested last night for using drugs, and the man who identified himself as my uncle took me. I don't even remember him as my uncle." Hearing prostitution, drugs, and kidnapping in the same fucking minute resulted in me clenching my fist. These kids don't deserve this kind of shit they're experiencing, and no one does.

"Don't be scared now. We're going to protect you both." I spoke and smiled lowly. "Sleep for now. Rest your mind and body." I continued. I helped Tzuyu down, and she let me hold her hand.

"My name is Kim Dahyun, by the way."

"Are you and Tzuyu related?"

She shook her head. "I only saw her in that car."

"May I ask how old you are?" I asked once again.

"I'm fourteen, and I'm not sure about Tzuyu." She answered and turned her eyes on Tzuyu. "Baby Tzuyu, how old are you?"

"Three!" She energetically answered while gesturing a number three with her fingers. We smiled as an automatic reaction since that was cute as fuck. After that, we walked out of the kitchen, and I saw Sana leaning her body sideways near the bathroom. She smiled when we had eye contact, and I don't have an idea what that means.

I didn't mind her and opened the door of Sana and I's bedroom. "Rest now, you two, and give space for Sana." I told them before closing the door. "Why aren't you sleeping yet?" I asked Sana as soon as I sat down on the couch. There's a pillow already, which made me happy in some way.

"Dahyun doesn't look like a teenager." She didn't answer my question and struck another topic. "Do you want me to sleep with you?" I frowned and looked at her.

"No," I said. "Couch is only for one person, and you're heavy as shit."

"Jeez. You don't need to insult me like that. I'm not even that heavy." She fought back.

"You were also choking me to death when I woke up." I told her.

"Really? Let me do it again." She answered, and we broke into waves of laughter. "Okay. I'm going inside now. Good night." Sana said after our laughter died down.

I nodded. "Good night. I don't want to wake up with you on top of me again."

"Don't give me ideas, Y/N." She replied before entering the room, leaving me with a big smile spreading across my face. I laid down right after and thought of her until my eyes felt heavy.

I need to confess to her.

A/N: No one asked but this is how I portray their apartment and this is what would Yujin see when she goes out of her room:

———A/N: No one asked but this is how I portray their apartment and this is what would Yujin see when she goes out of her room:

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Not the very best but this is what I imagined in my head hahaha

That's all, bye-bye. See you in next chapter hahaha

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