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"Do y'all want some potato cheese balls? I can make it." Sana asked us and we all nodded our heads. That sounds great. She stood up from her chair and walked to the kitchen, but I stopped her by holding her wrist, pulling her back to her chair.

"We never said that you make it right now. Take a rest, even for a few minutes. We just finished eating." I told her and she obliged, not fighting me anymore since she could be stubborn at some times. Sana moved her chair closer to me as she put her head on my shoulder.

"Aww. So sweet." Yujin cooed, smirking at me. I scowled at her and she just smiled at me cheekily. This little son of a bitch, literally, is having so much fun teasing me. Tsk.

"I'll take a picture for you both." Minjoo spoke as she brought out her camera from her bag. I smiled towards the camera and we heard a clicking sound. Minjoo and Yujin checked the photo.

"One more." As we heard Minjoo say that, Sana wrapped her arms around my waist as her head remained on my shoulder. I didn't know what to do so I just put my arm on Sana's shoulder and did a V sign with my right hand. I then smiled, as I did earlier, towards the camera. We heard a clicking sound again and the two checked the result.

"This is so cute!" Yujin squealed as she hugged Minjoo, shaking her. Sana didn't move while I smiled because of Yujin's antics. I don't know what did Yujin do to make Minjoo like her.

"I told you we should just marry each other." I whispered so only the two of us could hear it. She pinched my stomach so hard that I shouted because of the fucking pain. I'm gonna call the police.

The two across us stopped what they were doing and looked at me. "This woman is abusing me." I said they just laughed. What the fuck. Her pinch is more painful than Youngbin's punches.

I wonder if that motherfucker is still alive.

We stayed there at the dining table without moving nor talking to each other, not anymore when my phone started ringing on the couch. They all snapped their heads towards the sound while I stood up from my chair and took it, answering it as I saw who the caller is.

"Hey, beautiful." I greeted with all smiles as I flopped down the couch.

"Don't be silly." I heard her say making me giggle. "Are you busy?"

"Yeah. Today's a special day."

"Ah, really? So, you're with Sana right now? She took a break today." She asked.

"Absolutely right."

"Oh, okay. See you tomorrow?"

"I guess so." I chuckled. "It depends if I have work to do."

"See you when I see you, Y/N."

"See you soon, beautiful." She chuckled on the other line before she ended the call because I let her so. I dropped my phone back on the couch and my eyes trailed up to the dining table. No one was there, so I hopped off the couch and went to the kitchen.

Minjoo is sitting on a stool at the island while she watches Sana making the potato cheese balls that she said earlier and Yujin who is washing the dishes that we used. I sat beside the younger girl and she smiled at me.

"Are you and Yujin in the same year?" I asked as soon as I took a sit down. She shook her head.

"I'm graduating." Ah. She's a year older than Yujin. "Can I ask you something?"

I nodded. "Sure. Go ask whatever what's on your mind." I said as my eyes are focused on Sana's back.

"Do you like Sana unnie?"

"Of course. I wouldn't be with her for eight years if I don't."

She chuckled and shook her head. "That's not what I mean."

"Oh... Honestly, I don't know."

"Why aren't you sure? Did she make your heart flutter?"

I hummed and leaned closer to her ear. "Something happened between us last night." I whispered and she covered her mouth with her hand as her eyes widened. Her reaction is so funny.

"Did you two kissed?" She whispered and I nodded my head. "On the lips?"

"Yes, but it was just a peck. It happened so fast." I replied. "Let's keep this between us, okay?" She nodded, her hand is still covering her mouth.

"I think you're starting to like her, romantically." She responds. I just shrugged and smiled at her, standing up when I saw Yujin walking towards us. I don't even want to talk about it.

"What are you two talking about?"

"Just getting to know your lovely girlfriend." I said and she frowned.

"You're not gonna steal her, don't you?" What kind of question is that? Do I look like a homewrecker some type of shit? I prefer women my age or a little older.

"If you two ever broke up, I could."

"Argh. Go away!" She pushed me lightly and I just laughed. I stuck my tongue out to her before going away from them. I went to Sana and leaned my body on the counter, watching her being so focused on the dough in front of her.

"You look pretty in a bun." I blurted out when I saw her hairstyle.

"Are you flirting with me?" She asked without looking at me.

"I just said you're pretty in that style. Is that already counted as flirting?"

"You're a fucking flirt, that's why." I'm not going to deny that one. "Who called you earlier?"

"Momo." She stopped and looked at me.

"Momo? As in the owner of the strip club, I'm working at? My boss?" I nodded. "Do you like her?"

"Maybe." She rolled her eyes at my answer.

"You shouldn't."

"Why can't I?" I asked, confused.

"You'll find out soon." She replied.

"Why can't you tell me now?"

"Stop asking or else I will kiss you."

"Why?" I said, testing her. She walked closer to me and all of a sudden, her arms are already wrapped around my neck as she pulled me closer to her face, our noses are almost touching with her mouth curved into a smirk.

"Don't test me, Y/N. I can really kiss you like I did last night." She doesn't need to remind me about that shit. I pushed her away without any force conducted, and I saw her smirk turned into a grin as she went back to whatever she's doing.

That made me feel some type of way, and my heart is reacting once again.


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