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AN: Another update cuz why not :)


I peeked through the window and noticed that the sky is gloomy, which matched my current mood. I sighed for the nth time today before I sat down on the edge of the bed, turning my eyes on my girlfriend packing and putting her clothes inside her luggage. It made me wish that the time would go slower, which made me hopeless since that is fucking impossible to happen.

The time I have to spend with Sana is coming closer to the era of extinction, which means they only have an hour or two before they officially fly to Japan. I've been sulking since last night, but I didn't let Sana notice since I used my ultra fake ass happy mood facade to hide my real emotions.

Sana's also sad about this, so I don't want to add to her emotional burden because she might back out last minute, and I don't want that to happen. She needed this treatment in order to achieve true happiness without worrying about her mental disorder.

My chest is clenching in pain, and my heart feels heavy, but what could I do about it? Nothing. Besides, Yoongi is with her, so I don't have to worry about her safety. He made his intentions clear that he wouldn't leave his sister's side, and this is such a good opportunity for him to spend time with his sister after sixteen years of searching for her.

It still saddens me no matter how hard I tried to cheer my crestfallen ass, which is about to cry any second passing by. I'm used to Sana's presence ever since she started living with us, and it's a sin if I didn't see her face every day, except when I have work to do. It became a routine to see her face every morning.

My thoughts disappeared into thin air when Sana jumped on me, making me lay down on my back. I automatically wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. I'll miss this feeling. I'll miss her hugs. I'll miss our cuddles. I'll miss it.

"I love you," Sana told me sweetly in her cute voice. I smiled widely and pecked her lips. "I'm going to miss your kisses." She whispered as her eyes displayed pure sadness.

"I'll miss yours too." I said and placed a kiss on her nose, making her smile. Our moment was interrupted as Yujin entered our bedroom. Sana quickly got away from me as she stood up. She checked herself out in front of the mirror while I sat up and looked at Yujin in confusion.

"Yoongi oppa is already here." She informed and left the room straight away. Sana went out of the room with her luggage, and I immediately followed. I closed the door behind me and saw Sana hugging Yoongi. I smiled as Yoongi and I held eye contact.

"I'll drive you guys there." I said with no emotion, and they all looked at me. I ignored their looks and grabbed the car's key before I headed out of the house. I turned the engine and waited for them outside the driver's door, checking myself on the side mirror.

I planned not to come, but it would be such a loss if I didn't see them for the last time, even though it would be torturous for my emotional state. I fixed my stance as I saw Yoongi, Sana, Dahyun with Tzuyu, and Yujin locking the main door. It's a school day, but those two insisted on coming with us, and I know they only wanted to skip school since they have the perfect reason to give.

I assisted Yoongi to carry their luggage inside the trunk while I could feel Sana's gaze at me as she looked over her shoulder. I couldn't resist her and looked back at her. I gave her a tight-lipped smile before closing the trunk. The four girls are at the back while Yoongi on the shotgun.

I drove away with an unusual atmosphere surrounding us. No one dared to speak nor made an unintentional noise as the ride goes on, and it's honestly earsplitting, yet I didn't bother to talk. I think my voice would break if I did, followed by me crying my eyes out that it would budge out of my eye sockets.

I blinked multiple times to prevent myself from breaking down when the airport came into our view. I gulped the lump of my throat as we arrived at the entrance. I put the car on hazard, and I immediately went out of the car to get their luggage. I closed the trunk, and a pair of arms suddenly snaked around my waist, hugging me from behind.

I recognized the scent, and it's none other than Sana. I turned around, and I saw a river of tears streaming down her cheeks. I wiped them away, but my lips quivered as tears started to blur my sight. We hugged each other, and I could feel Yujin's hand patting my back comfortingly.

I wiped my own tears and pulled her away from me. "I would be waiting for you to come back, alright? Don't cry anymore." I smiled through the pain as I sniffled. Sana nodded like an obedient child, and another set of tears flowed down on her cheeks when she closed her eyes. I had the guts to laugh, making Sana slap my chest weakly.

"Don't enjoy much in Japan that you'll be able to forget that someone's waiting for you in Korea, okay?" I humorously told her, but I only added more pain to my suffering. She chuckled and shook her head in defense. I saw Yoongi walked towards us, and I know it's time for them to go.

I faced him as he held my shoulders. "I don't want us to come back here with Sana crying over you." He said calmly, but I received it as a warning. I nodded, and he gave me a brotherly hug. "I'll be rooting for you, Y/N." He whispered in my ear before pulling away.

"Sana, it's time for us to go." He informed her sister as he checked the time on his watch. Sana nodded before she pulled me by the hem of my shirt. She crashed her lips into mine, pouring all our emotions into our kiss.

"I love you, Y/N." Sana softly smiled and slowly let go of my hand. She gave me one last look before walking away, and that's where my heart completely shattered into pieces. Yujin came to the rescue and engulfed me in a hug. I felt so miserable and heartbroken. It hurts.

My breathing became ragged as I stared into the direction where Yoongi and Sana have gone. I hugged my sister back as a river of tears flowed down to my cheeks, crying my feelings out since it got too overwhelming that I couldn't bottle them inside me.

"I shouldn't have skipped school. Dang it." Yujin commented as I removed myself from our embrace, seeing her tearing up. My mood brightened a little as a genuine chuckle escaped my mouth. I sniffled and wiped my tears and sweaty face using my shirt.

"It's okay. You still have me, Dahyun, and Tzuyu. You can insert Minjoo too if you want." Yujin said with a smile in an attempt to cheer me up while patting my back loudly. I copied her smile and went back to our car.

"Let's eat meat to treat that aching heart of yours."

"Yujin unnie, are you seriously thinking that meat will mend Y/N's broken heart?"

"Shush, Dahyun-ah. We're not allowed to drink yet, so the meat is the safest option."

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