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A/N: We reached 60k reads!! I totally didn't expect this book would get a lot of attention from all of you. Thank you so much!! 😭😭🤍


"Why are you here at a strip club?" I asked Jeongyeon as she drinks her champagne while Soojin is talking to her. She snapped her head towards me and shrugged her shoulders.

"I got busy with work, so I decided to check this out." I only hummed and looked at Jennie sitting on my lap. "How about you, Y/N? Why are you here?"

"Do you know Sana?" I asked her.

"Yeah. You met Sana during middle school." I smiled since she could still remember.

"Sana is working here as a stripper." She slowly looked at me with her eyes wide open and mouth agape. I thought she would be able to recognize Sana, but I can't blame her. Sana changed a lot and turned into a fine lady.

"She's the one wearing a mask? Holy shit. I didn't expect that." I laughed at her reaction. I put the glass on the table before telling Jennie to sit on me again. We stared at each other for a long time that caused her to raise her left eyebrow.

"Why did you choose this work?" I asked her, and she got taken aback. She looked away from my stare before answering my question.

"Financial problems. I worked here since it's the only choice I could make to earn money fast for my family." I hummed in understanding and patted her back. She gave me a soft smile, and I smiled back. I could relate to her since I was in the same situation before.

We continued to talk in the champagne room until it's time for us to go. I texted Momo to come out of the VIP floor so she could meet my cousin. I think they would get along. I saw Momo walking out, and I quickly dragged Jeongyeon with me.

"Chill out!" She shouted, and when we stopped in front of Momo, she regained her posture. I chuckled lightly before pushing Jeongyeon in front of me.

"Hey, Momo, this is my cousin. Her name is Yoo Jeongyeon, and I'm pretty sure you two will get along." I introduced Jeongyeon to her, and they shook hands with smiles on their faces.

"Hi, Momo. You look young and beautiful. How old are you?"

"I'm already twenty-seven." Momo answered and giggled.

Jeongyeon turned around and faced me to whisper something to my ear. "I could still get it." I laughed as she turned back around to Momo. "I'm twenty-four, by the way."

"I'm twenty-one." I followed.

"Ew." Jeongyeon commented that makes me smack her shoulder. We laughed and walked inside the VIP floor. Jeongyeon got a free pass because of Momo. That's what you receive for being friends with the owner of the club.

We followed Momo to an unoccupied table and settled down. They talked to get to know each other while I stayed quiet in my seat as I used my time to watch a video on my phone.

It stopped when Sana called. "Faster. I'm outside." She said and hung up. She didn't even let me speak. I sighed, and I looked up to see Momo and Jeongyeon eating each other's faces. That's not what I mean when I said that they would get along! They already had progress than me and Sana's roller-fucking-coaster relationship.

I left them without saying a word and headed outside the club, seeing Sana leaning on the car. I unlocked it, and she immediately entered the passenger seat. I followed and went to the driver's seat. I started the engine and drove away with a weird atmosphere.

"How much did you earn?" I asked.

"Shut up." She answered.

"What the fuck? I'm asking you properly." I frowned, and my grip on the steering wheel got tighter.

I heard her sigh. "It doubled than yesterday." I didn't answer and focused on driving. We drowned in silence until we arrived at our apartment. I locked the car and walked towards the front door without waiting for her.

"Can't you see I'm limping?" Sana asked me when she entered the apartment. "Why didn't you help me?"

"Shut up," I told her.

"Fuck you." She glared at me before limping towards our bedroom. I trailed behind her and occupied the bathroom after getting my clothes in a fast motion. When I finished, I saw her looking at me. I didn't mind her stare as I took a pillow from the bed and left the bedroom.

I flopped down on the couch with a deep sigh. I placed the pillow on the sofa before resting my head on it, staring at the ceiling. I'm so fucking pissed at Sana. I thought the tension between us would lessen, but it stayed the same. We interacted for the whole today only to bicker with each other. Unbelievable.

"Are you serious, Y/N? What's the use of the damn bedroom when you're going to sleep at the couch?" My eyes made their way to the voice and saw Sana at the doorway in her pajamas.

"Do you think I'll be able to sleep with you at the same bed? I can't even bear the sight of you alone." I retorted.

"Now that's insulting. You're an asshole."

"It's not my fault. You're pissing me off." I replied. I'm going to end this day with another fight with her. Damn it. "Can you go to sleep and leave me alone? Aren't you tired from work?" I requested.

She shook her head, and I sighed. "Can you stop complaining and follow me? Why are you so stubborn? You're not even a Taurus."

"Shut the hell up. I don't even have a birthday."

"What?" She looked confused.

"I said, shut up, and go to sleep. Don't bring the zodiac signs into this. Why are you so stubborn? You're not even a Taurus." I said, mocking her. She rolled her eyes, but she didn't move an inch. Fucking hell.

"I can't sleep without someone beside me."

"Then, don't sleep. I will stay here." I replied to her and closed my eyes.

"Ugh. I will fucking kick your ass tomorrow." She said, and I heard the door closing. I smiled in relief before falling into a deep slumber.


I felt something heavy on top of me when I came back into my senses. I opened my eyes to see who it was, and I almost screamed when I realized it was Sana. Her head is resting on my neck. Her right hand is cupping the left side of my neck up until to my nape. Why is she here, and why the fuck is she holding my neck tightly? Is she trying to kill me in my sleep?

"Sana, wake up. What the hell are you doing here?" I said, but she only groaned and moved her head closer, if that's even possible. She's killing me with her pointy nose, but thank God she's resting on the right side of my body, or else she would be able to notice my heart thumping fast.

"Sana, for the last time, get off of me."

"Remove your hold off of my ass first. You pervert." Ah, shit. I didn't even notice. I quickly removed it, and she got up, straddling my lap. "Taking advantage of me now, huh? I know I'm hot, but that's not a valid reason to hold my ass." She smirked. I pushed her away from me and stood up.

"Fuck off, please. Jennie is hotter than you."

"Don't fucking talk to me." She gritted her teeth.

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