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⚠️Trigger Warning: Matured Content⚠️ (AN: For real this time, I swear)

"Sana, I couldn't insert the fucking key. Can you get off for now?" I'm basically pleading at this point. I'm also carrying her bag, which made it difficult for me to move freely. I waited for her to get off my back, and when I didn't feel her moving, I sighed defeatedly.

I tried again, and after a few more tries, I finally unlocked the door. I stepped inside while smiling and closed the door using my foot. We were greeted by Dahyun sleeping while snoring cutely on the couch. Sana jumped off my back as we removed our shoes off and put them on the shoe rack as quietly as we could. I locked the door first before following Sana to our bedroom.

The only source of light as I entered the room is the lamp from the nightstand. I dropped Sana's bag beside her dresser before crawling on top of my girlfriend's body. She displayed her playful smirk and wrapped her arms around my nape.

"Your performance was spectacular earlier. I love it." I told her genuinely while staring right into her seductive, brown orbs. Her smirk turned into a grin as she showed me her pearly, white teeth.

"Really?" She skeptically asked as she locked her legs around my waist, pulling me closer. I nodded like a child before closing the proximity of our faces. I saw her closing her eyes before I connected our lips. It started slow, but it soon turned into a passionate and steamy make-out session.

I broke our kiss as I moved down to her neck before grinding onto her. She moaned at the contact, which turned me on more. I continued doing that as I leave hickeys all over her neck. I stopped when she pushed me lightly, making me look at her in confusion.

My eyes widened when she suddenly removed her top, leaving her in her undergarment. She held my hands, and I gulped when my palms made contact with her clothed breasts. I gave it a light squeeze, making her moan sexily. She unclasped her bra on her own, flexing her big breasts. I stared at the art in front of me, for I don't know how long, which made me oblivious that Sana felt embarrassed.

She pushed my chest weakly, getting me out of my trance. I looked up at her, and I saw her blushing. "Don't look at them like that." She muttered and covered her breasts. I chuckled and removed her hands away before moving down and devoured her breast while groping the other. I couldn't handle my sexually excited self anymore.

She let out a scream but covered her mouth right away as I circled my tongue around her nipple, licked, and sucked them like a baby. Once I'm satisfied, I moved to her other mound and gave it equal attention. She would arch her back in pleasure as she continuously let out low moans.

"You're a fucking masterpiece, baby." I whispered as I faced her. I cupped her chin and kissed her hungrily. I held my shirt and was about to remove it when the door suddenly opened. We gasped loudly as I instinctively pulled the blanket, covering our bodies. I turned my head towards the door and saw Tzuyu's little figure, holding a teddy bear in her arms.

Holy shit. I could've fucked Sana right here right now if the child didn't interrupt us.

I glanced at Sana, and she looked frustrated by the way her eyebrows fused. I snickered and gestured for Tzuyu to come to me. "I can't sleep." Tzuyu confessed while yawning. She closed the door and slowly walked in our direction. I carried her and laid her down beside me, engulfing her into a hug as I provided her ease and warmth.

"I'll take a quick shower." Sana spoke as she hopped off the bed with a shirt on. She took her pajamas from the closet before walking towards the bathroom. I looked back to Tzuyu, and her eyes are already closed. Her chest moves up and down in a calm motion. I placed a kiss on her forehead softly and waited for Sana to finish.

After a few minutes, Sana got out. We locked eyes, and she gave me a soft smile before carefully laying down, so she could not wake the child up. "Good night, daddy." She playfully said and placed a kiss on my cheek before tucking herself under the blanket like us.


It has passed an hour already, and my eyes are still open. My system is still widely awakened because of earlier, and to be honest, I'm fucking horny. I'm longing to kiss my girlfriend's soft lips and suck those healthy breasts of hers again. Like, fuck, my hormones are still raging.

Damn it. How do I remove these nasty thoughts inside my head?

I stayed in the same position wherein my arm is securely wrapped around the bread addict's torso until I remembered that my phone is in my pocket. I took it out and became wary of my movements not to wake the two girls up. I opened the top drawer of the nightstand and grabbed my earphones. I sighed in relief when I didn't wake the child up and slowly sat down until I got to lean my back on the headboard.

Why am I in the fucking middle? The struggle is real.

I wore my earphones and put the brightness of my phone to the lowest. I scrolled up and down before I pressed the video I wanted to watch. If you're wondering, it's not pornography, and for fuck's sake, I don't want to increase my sexual desire to the highest level.

I watched and watched until I felt my arm getting tapped. I turned the lamp on and saw Tzuyu awake. I removed both of my earbuds and looked at her in curiosity.

"I think Mama's having a bad dream." She whispered and pointed at Sana beside me. I quickly turned my attention to my girlfriend and noticed her frown while sweating a lot. I got worried and shook her body intensely.

Her eyes shot open, and she instantly sat up. She looked around and burst out in tears when her eyes landed on me. I pulled her in my arms and gently stroked her back. She faced me, and I wiped her tears. "What's wrong, baby?" I asked with worry.

"You were cheating on me in my dream. I-I caught you sleeping with another girl when I decided to come back, and it–" I cut her off as I kissed her lips and embraced her tightly.

"Dada's not going to hurt you, Mama." Tzuyu said as she kissed Sana on the cheek and hugged her too. "Dada likes you so much." Sana removed herself from the hug, and a smile formed on her lips. She wiped her tears and kissed Tzuyu's nose.

"Tzuyu is right. Dada would not hurt Mama." I said while using the third person. I turned my phone on and noticed it's half-past three. "Do you want to watch the sunrise by the beach to ease your mind?" I asked her as I turned my phone off.

Sana looked at me and nodded her head. "Me too! I want to go! I want to make a huge sandcastle!" Tzuyu cheerfully said, and we automatically smiled at her cuteness.

I kissed Sana's forehead and cupped her face. "I'm crazy over you, Sana Minatozaki. So crazy that I even imagined of you walking towards the altar to marry me."

"You're so cheesy." She commented in a joking manner, which made me smile. "I love you."

AN: That kind of matured content is all I could do because to begin with, this is a neutral reader x Sana, but if this book is a g!p/male reader x Sana, I would do more than that. Unfortunately, it's not. :)

Thanks for reading and supporting my book! 😺

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