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I went back to the living room after I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Yujin is also awake, but she was half-asleep as she looked far to nowhere, trying to fight her sleepiness. I chuckled and sat between Sana and Yujin.

"Why are you two so quiet? Can you like be noisy and bicker? It felt so weird waking up without you two talking to each other." Yujin spoke and looked at us with her judging eyes.

"Yujin, we've been fighting for two days straight, and it's getting very tiring." I answered and saw Sana glaring at me.

"Why are you talking like it was my fault?"

"Well, shit. I'm only making friends, but you don't support me, and we bicker about it. Didn't you realize that we only talked yesterday to annoy each other's presence?" I told her, and she kept quiet. "Exactly, Sana."

"You don't understand me anyway." Sana mumbled, but I heard it. I faced her and looked straight into her eyes.

"Sana, how would I be able to understand if you're not telling me anything? What is it, and why do you find it so difficult to tell me? It's not like you got pregnant by a random stranger, right?"

"Of course, not. The fuck. Where did that even come from?" She said and threw daggers in my way. She better not get fucked by some fuckers out there. I still haven't progressed on controlling myself whenever I'm angry.

"Nevermind. Just keep your mouths shut." Yujin said, regretting after she saw us bickering again. "I want peace for now." She added, and no one bothered to say anything as we kept silent, watching the TV.

My phone rang. I saw Sana flinched, which made me snort in my seat before answering the call. "Hey, Momo. What goes on?" I greeted. Why is she calling me early in the morning? Is she going to tell me that she did the nasty with Jeongyeon? I hope not.

"Check the news." I stole the remote away from Sana's hand before changing the channel. I heard Sana curse at me, but I didn't care a bit since the curiosity is killing me.

"A gang boss, identified as Son Youngbin, was found dead with his body floating at Han River with his two members named Kim Minho and Jung Minhyuk earlier this morning. It got reported that they were shot dead in the head, and the police haven't found the murderer. The search for possible suspects has started."

Fuck. Momo called me at a fucking wrong time.

"Y/N, that's my boyfriend. Youngbin was my boyfriend." She told me, and I froze at my seat. I expected that I would be right, but hearing it from her surprised my body and soul. I couldn't believe I killed her ex-boyfriend. What a small world we're living.

"Can we meet and talk? I know you know something." Goddamn it. No way.

I gulped. "S-Sure." I stuttered out of nervousness before hanging up the call. Yujin stared at me in anticipation while Sana looked at me with mixed emotions. I could see she's scared, confused, and curious.

"Y/N..." Yujin spoke softly.

"I'm sorry." I muttered, took my hoodie, and wore my shoes before running out of the front door. I don't want to see their reactions about it, and I don't even want to know it.

"Please make me believe that Y/N didn't do this." Sana said to herself as she shook her head.

"We both know the truth, Sana unnie. You need to accept the fact Y/N isn't what you think of." Yujin told her.

Sana looked at her. "How could you say that like it wasn't a big of a deal? It's hard to believe that Y/N could kill someone!" Sana raised her voice, but Yujin didn't budge.

"Unnie, we grew up in the hands of a gang boss. Nothing is surprising anymore. Accept the reality that Y/N changed and that Y/N isn't the same kid that you met in middle school." Yujin calmly answered, and they were once again submerged in silence while Sana was running deep in her thoughts.


"Momo?" I said once I stepped inside her house.

"Here." I heard her voice and followed it. Momo was in the kitchen sitting at the island while eating cookies she baked. I walked closer to her and leaned on the counter.

"You killed them, don't you?" Momo straightforwardly asked. I looked at her and slowly nodded my head. "Why did you do that?"

"They almost killed my younger sister brutally." I told her, and she kept a poker face. "How did you even know?"

"I know Jungkook. I saw you with him when you came to the club, and I know you're the same as him." I nodded in understanding and didn't speak. I don't know what to say anyway.

"You know, I was planning to kill him..." I looked at her and waited for her to continue. "I had enough of him, but I'm scared that once if I do that, his gang members will come to us."

"Are you saying you're thankful that I killed Youngbin?" I asked her. Her lips slowly curved upward to a small smile before nodding her head. I didn't know someone would be thankful that I killed someone. I understand that she would be happy because that bitch is using drugs and abusing her. She's finally free from his wrath.

"I am very thankful. I wanted to take my life before because Youngbin gave me so much pain, but no one would take care of my daughter if I did, and you gave me strength too. It hasn't been long since we met, but I felt safe with you." I smiled as she pulled me for an embrace. I wrapped my arms around her tightly as she does. 

"Sana is lucky." She told me as we continued to hug. "You like her, right?" I hummed and rested my chin on top of her head. "Take a risk before it's too late. I'm pretty sure she likes you back."

"I want to, but I can't. We're not on good terms, and I'm pissed at Sana's attitude." I said. "She's so confusing, and it's making me frustrated."

She chuckled. "Take your time." I nodded, and she removed herself from the hug. We talked before I bid my farewell to her. I entered my car with my shoulders lighter than before. I regretted killing them, but after I knew all his other wrongdoings, I'm glad that I did. Neither did Yoongi, Seokjin, nor the whole gang tried stopping me before, so I think I chose the right choice.

Besides the need to control my anger, I need to think positively too. The scene I imagined in my head wasn't what happened. I thought about the bad scenarios in my head. I got scared for no apparent reason at all.

My thoughts washed away when a black van stopped in front of my way. I tried finding my gun, but I remembered Seokjin confiscated it. Shit. Is it the end of me?

Another van stopped at my back, and I know I wouldn't be able to get away from this. I sighed in defeat and leaned my back on my seat. Five masked men came out of the van and went towards my car. They opened the door and pulled me out harshly. They held both my hands before they put a cloth to cover my nose and mouth.

I tried wiggling my way out, but soon enough, I lost my consciousness.

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