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"Sana, can you please open the door?" I asked in desperation after knocking twice. I leaned my ear on the door and sighed in disappointment when I didn't hear any answer from her. I turned around in defeat while Yujin looked at me sadly. She patted my shoulder comfortingly before we sat down on the couch.

It's been almost two weeks when Sana locked herself up in our room, isolating herself and cutting her connection with us during these days. Neither Yujin and I don't know what the fuck is happening, while Yoongi doesn't want to tell me anything. He said that Sana would keep it a secret between them until she's ready to talk about it.

He was the last one who talked to Sana before she started acting weirdly, and I'm honestly freaking out and worrying a lot about my girlfriend's condition. I couldn't think of anything wrong about Yoongi because I trust him with my whole existence, and he loves his sister that he wouldn't do something odd to her. But there's a possibility that he said or revealed something to her, which caused her to act unusually.

Uncountable negative and pathetic thoughts filled my mind, and I kept on locking myself in a trance. It felt awful that I couldn't do anything to help Sana with whatever problem she's going through. I felt useless once again. Fucking useless.

I changed the channel on the television with my own preference before I asked my sister about Tzuyu. "What is Tzuyu doing in your room?" She took a glance at me before answering my question.

"It's her afternoon nap time." I kept myself muted as my thoughts scattered everywhere, and it revolves around Sana only. It's all about her. It's always about Sana, whom I cherish so much. She invaded my fucking mind, and it's turning me crazy.

I missed seeing her beautiful structured face, her eyes which held such emotions, her cute whiny voice whenever I tease her, her laugh, her smile, her lips I couldn't resist, and everything related to her! I'm missing my Sana so bad, and it's frustrating that I couldn't be able to see her because my day wouldn't end without her bear hugs.

I groaned loudly and stood up, walking towards the door for the second time today. I knocked on the door politely and asked, "Sana, are you hungry? Do you want me to cook something for you?" I prayed in my mind that she would talk to me or say anything at least one damn word. I would be relieved if she did.

"No. I'm okay." She said, unmotivated and less energetic, which caused me to sigh and grip my pants tightly. Damn it. I wonder how she's doing behind this door that separates us together.

"Sana... can we talk? Please? I'm worried." I pleaded for the nth time. When I didn't hear her speak, I banged on the door. The time ticked off, the bomb exploded. My jar of patience is officially empty. I shouldn't make this continue until I don't know how the fuck long.

"If you don't open this door, I'll break it down in three seconds." I informed sternly, loud and clear with my voice as my head leaned on to the door. I heard nothing in a matter of seconds, so I was about to speak anew when the door got unlocked. I smiled in victory and gladly entered the room, locking it so we could have our privacy.

She's lying down on the farthest side of the bed, her back facing me, and her hair is all I could see once I sat down on the edge of the bed. "Tell me, Sana. What's wrong?" I initiated the talk before laying down, spooning her. She turned around to face me, and she looked miserable. Her eyes are puffy, black circles under her eyes, and to make it simple, she's a fucking mess.

I sat up and rested my back on the headboard, watching her in silence. She looked up to me before she broke down and shed tears. I wiped them with both of my thumbs as she moved to my chest, enveloping her arms around me securely.

I caressed her hair which might work to calm her down. "Did Yoongi do something towards you?" I softly asked after all I heard was her sniffles. She shook her head as a response.

"Then, what made you act like this?" I asked another one and kissed the top of her head lovingly. "Tell me what's bothering you, baby. I'm willing to listen and help you with your problem. What is the problem?"

"Yoongi oppa treated me great when I stayed over at his house. He cooked for me, and he told me a lot of stories from his experiences in life." She spoke for the first time, and a smile automatically escaped my lips. Progress, finally. She's opening up to me.

"He told me that he wanted to take me with him when we met each other years ago, but our father is abusing him too, so it's still pointless if he did. I also found out that he has the same disorder like mine, which I didn't expect, but he could control them better."

"I see no problem in here. What truly is the reason that resulted in you isolating yourself?" I asked impatiently.

"Oppa said that he is friends with a psychologist who could help me, and he's willing to pay the expenses for my treatment." She said and sighed deeply. Isn't this supposed to be good news?

"What? I don't see any problem, though. You said you wanted to live your life normally, right? There is your answer, and you would be able to live your life to the fullest. This opportunity would be great, baby, so why aren't you happy about it at all?"

"I am glad, but that's not the problem, Y/N." She said those words as we held eye contact.

"What is it, then?" I asked as I'm getting confused. A tear escaped her eye before she answered me, and my heartbeat began to palpitate erratically. I feel like I know where this conversation is heading.

"I need to go to Japan."

I haven't prepared for this.

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