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Sana and I got a week.

Yoongi gave us a week to enjoy ourselves with one another, and we're currently spending the fourth day at the moment. I talked with Yoongi the next morning after Sana finally agreed to the plan. Of course, he was glad, and our talk didn't end without him teasing me. He told me that he wasn't surprised that I made his sister agree that quick because he knows that I'm Sana's "weakness" in the first place.

The clock is ticking, and I only have three more days to spend time with my girlfriend. After that, she's gone out of my sight and away from my arms. It's sad to think about it, but I need to live in the moment in order to be happy while Sana's still with me. Today is a gift, which is why it's called the present.

Ooh, damn. That actually makes sense. That's funny.

I chuckled at my thought and shook them away as I patiently waited for Sana to finish showering. We're going to the strip club, and that would be her last time working. She wanted to meet her coworkers to bid them farewell personally, and she wanted to thank Momo, who is the mastermind that caused Sana to become a stripper. "It wouldn't be possible if it's not because of Momo." That's the exact thing Sana told me earlier.

"Ya, Tzuyu!" I furrowed my brows when I heard Yujin shouting Tzuyu's name outside. I walked out of the bedroom and saw Tzuyu holding a bread knife while chasing the shit out of Yujin. I watched them in amusement as Dahyun films the whole thing while laughing boisterously.

"Dahyun, you're not helping at all! Get the knife from her!" Yujin shouted as they ran in circles around the living room before she went towards the kitchen. Dahyun didn't move and continued filming them. I walked towards them and saw Yujin at the top of the kitchen island where Tzuyu couldn't reach her.

"That's not fair!" Tzuyu shouted as she dropped the knife down, sat beside Dahyun at the couch, and started to sulk. A smile instantly escaped my lips when I saw her scowling with her lips pouted and arms crossed. She's undeniably adorable! I kneeled in front of her and pulled her in my arms.

"It's okay, baby Tzu." I cooed and carried her when we heard someone knocking at our main door. Yujin jumped down from the island and opened the door, discovering Minjoo. I assume she's going to stay here for the night since it's Friday today.

"Hey, guys." Minjoo greeted with a smile before hugging Yujin. I noticed how Tzuyu's eyes twinkled at the sight of my sister's girlfriend, causing me to put her down. She immediately took off and embraced Minjoo's legs, which widened her smile.

I chuckled at my view before walking back inside Sana and I's shared bedroom, and there I saw her in her casual clothing while packing her things for tonight's occasion. My smile faltered, and my heart sunk when I realized that she would do the same thing a few days from now.

Sana looked over her shoulder when she noticed my presence and stood up from kneeling. She walked towards me as we faced each other, looking deeply at each other's eyes. We don't even need words to understand each other's feelings. She smiled and held my hands as she placed them on her waist. I got confused, but I didn't question her as I savor our moment together, cherishing and appreciating every second I have with her.

She took another step while her hands snaked to my shoulders without breaking our eye contact before leaning her head on my chest as our bodies slowly compressed against one another. We started swaying as if slow, romantic music played in the background with our feet synchronizing in every step we take. I closed my eyes as I let loose of myself, getting lost in our own precious world.

"Your heartbeat is fast. Is it because of me?" I looked down to meet her eyes and hummed without hesitation. It made her smile as she tiptoed and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "Always remember that I love you, okay?" I smiled and nodded my head obediently. I received another kiss from her before she pulled away from me.

I pouted like a child because I wanted to stay in this position for a longer time. She saw it and laughed. "We'll be late, baby. Let's continue it later." She told me and pinched my cheek. I smiled foolishly and took her bag from her before heading out of the room.

I saw all four of them settled down on the couch with bowls filled with popcorn in their hands. They glanced at me at the same time before focusing back on the TV. I snickered before I walked into the kitchen and sat on the bench, which is also a shoe rack. I took my shoes from below and quickly wore them. Sana followed and sat beside me as she also did the same.

"We'll go ahead. See you later, kids." I waved my hand at them before going out of the door with Sana trailing behind me. When I unlocked the car, Sana jogged over to the passenger's side and entered. I put her bag on the backseat before I sat on the driver's spot.

I drove away, and the next few minutes got covered in silence. "Are you going to quit as a stripper after this?" I glanced at her after breaking the ice, and I saw her nodding her head in response.

"Yeah. I actually forgot to tell you something before because we kept annoying the shit out of each other for days." She said, and we broke into laughter. "So, a woman in her fifties booked a room to talk with me." She continued her storytelling after the laughter died down. I kept quiet and listened to her attentively.

"It turned out she was the wife of that businesswoman who owned chains of hotels around the damn world, and she asked me if she's willing to quit this career of mine and become her daughter's secretary. It's weird that she asked me in a damn strip club rather than in a more proper place."

"Oh, wait. Are we talking about Im Nayeon?" She hummed. "She was smoking hot during her college days, and her close friends too. I regretted being born in the wrong generation at some point in my life." I told her truthfully, and I received a hard smack on my arm in return.

I glanced at her and laughed when I saw her throwing daggers at my way. "I wish I never opened up about this." She said with her arms crossed.

"Are you seriously getting jealous over a damn fifty-year-old?" I asked in disbelief before laughing, which pissed her more. "Chill, baby. I'm never going to hit with someone who has five kids." I chuckled and held her hand, kissing it.

"It's a great chance to take, but I couldn't accept it anymore because of the certain circumstances right now. If they're still looking for someone in the future, I would surely apply." She said, and I only hummed. We're surrounded in silence once again as we're getting nearer to our destination.

A few moments after, we arrived, and Sana's taking her time to get the right chance to enter without getting seen by visitors of the club. "I'll go now, love. Only focus on me, okay?" I haven't gotten the chance to answer as she pulled me in for a kiss.

"I'll see you inside." She said as she took her bag from the backseat before going out of the car, running towards the entrance. I watched her figure in silence until she faded out of my sight. I took some cash from under my seat before following her inside.

I'm excited to see her on the stage again.

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