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"Keep finding him!" Yoongi sternly ordered with passionate eyes as he and I drive around the city for about an hour already, while the others parted with us and go in other directions to make it easier and faster to find the bastard who almost killed my sister. Well, based on what Namjoon told me earlier which obviously made my blood boil.

After a few minutes, my phone rang and it was Yugyeom who called me. "Any news?" I asked as soon as I answered the phone call, putting it on speaker.

"Jungkook and I caught a member of his and he told us he's at a bar near boss Yoongi's restaurant." As Yoongi heard that, he turned and changed directions, driving towards the said bar. We have gone there a lot of times before so we are familiar with that place.

"Don't let him go." Yoongi instructed and he answered a quick 'yes' before hanging up the call. In no time, we arrived and I took my gun with me, hiding it under my shirt for safety purposes in case that motherfucker tries doing the same shit that he did before.

We saw Jimin and Seokjin entered the bar so we followed them but before we even get to enter, we heard a lot of noises and saw Jimin dragging an unconscious bitch with him by the hem of his shirt.

Well, that was easy. I am ready to have fun with that motherfucker. I wouldn't be able to control myself because of the emotions I'm feeling. Abhorrence, confusion, and deep anger. Those three are the main emotions I'm bottling inside me.

Seokjin helped Jimin threw the guy inside the van before they hopped in their seats and drive away. Yoongi and I ran towards our car and followed them quickly with Yoongi driving like before.

We came to the meeting place, which was the same warehouse. Yoongi parked the car before we rushed out, walking towards the same entrance the others entered and we were greeted by the gang huddled up around the guy we abducted, his arms and feet were tied up on a chair while he was blindfolded.

We waited silently for him to speak up. It took him five minutes when he started moving, trying to free himself from the ropes but that would just hurt him. He stopped moving like a damn worm but he started shouting his lungs out.

"Who the fuck are you?! Reveal yourself!"

Yoongi gestured Jimin to remove the blindfold so he did, and the guy stopped moving violently and widened his eyes when he saw seven people in front of him, especially when he landed his eyes on me and Yoongi.

"So Youngbin..." I started and moved closer to him. "How does it feel beating up an innocent seventeen-year-old girl with no mercy?" I revealed the gun I'm hiding and caressed it, looking at him with glaring eyes.

When he didn't answer, I pointed the gun at his forehead. He shrieked in fear and looked up at me. "H-How did you know?" Oh, look at this curious motherfucker! He's seriously asking that shit when I'm so close to pulling the trigger.

I crouched down to meet his gaze and smiled at him, playing with my gun.



"J-Jeongin! Can we talk?" He stopped walking and turned around, seeing Yujin's girlfriend in front of him. He nodded subtly and they walked out of the cafeteria together.

When they're away from the other students, she spoke. "I know what happened to Yujin." She whispered as she felt tears forming in her eyes, remembering the scene that occurred yesterday. "I-I saw everything." She managed to croak out and swallowed the lump in her throat.

Jeongin stopped eating his chips and looked at her with a stoic expression. He suddenly took out a piece of paper and a pen from the pocket of his trousers, handing it to her.

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