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I was watching a video on my phone, waiting for Sana to finish showering so I can turn the lights off while my left arm is stretched to Sana's pillow. The video I'm watching isn't even entertaining my sleepy ass anymore. When is she going to finish?

"Oi, hurry up!" I shouted. She came out a few minutes after, in her silk pajamas with her hair in a bun. I really like that hairstyle on her, but that ain't the point! Why did she take so long when she didn't wet her damn hair?!

"You're so slow, the fuck. I'm so sleepy." I complained, turning my phone off and put it underneath my pillow. She removed the hair tie and it was just like in those movies when everything went slow-mo.

That was breathtaking and so... damn hot.

"I still excreted all the stupid bitches out of my body. I didn't ask you to wait for me either, dumbass." She answered and rolled her eyes at me.

"Yeah, you didn't, but I will turn the lights off and you're going to ask me to turn them back on because you're such a fucking pussy." I fought back and rested my right arm on my eyes, so I wouldn't be able to see anything especially her stupid ass.

I felt the mattress sinking and Sana rested her head on my left arm that was stretched out. She went closer to me and I removed my arm, only seeing her back as she started to play with my fingers.

"Hey, hug me." She told me and I followed her, only for today since this day is meaningful for the two of us. I turned sideways and faced her back that was greeting me, wrapping my arm around her tiny waist.

That escalated so quickly. Earlier we were bickering, calling each other names yet right now, I'm spooning her. It all happened in a blink of an eye, similar to when Thanos snapped his fingers and half of the damn population turned into ashes like they were cremated and shit.

"Have you ever fell in love?" She asked all of a sudden.

"Have you seen me date someone?" I asked back.


"You got your answer."

"Why?" She said softly.

"I never focused on my love life."

"Why?" She asked once again. I sighed mentally.

"I was too busy working to support Yujin and I's needs." I answered and snuggled closer to her. I just heard her hum and didn't say anything after.

Her hand suddenly moved and intertwined her fingers with mine. She pushed herself to me, her back glued to my chest. No space between us. I thought she has fallen asleep already. "How about now? Now that your life is doing okay and it's back to normal, would you date?"

"I guess so. I wanna be my first relationship memorable and heartwarming." I answered and finally closed my eyes, the drowsiness fucking my body. Slowly, I drifted off to the place called dreamland, and I hope she doesn't notice my heart hammering like it wants to get out of my chest.

Damn it. I think Minjoo's right.


I'm on way to Yoongi's home since I received a call from him that caused me to go back to life. I woke up in the same position, the only thing that changed that my right leg is locking her legs.

I've never slept this peaceful in my whole life. I've never slept without moving like a damn worm. This is a miracle.

It took me some time before I could get to hop off the bed since I don't want to wake the sleeping beauty up. When I finished, she's still sleeping so my mind was overflowing with relief because I don't want any questions from her since we could start bickering at each other at the end of it.

I arrived and parked my car properly, walking inside through his front door. I went to the living area as I heard noises when I got inside, seeing them sitting across each other talking.

"There you are," Yoongi said as he fixed his eyes on me. I bowed, smiling after as I walked towards them. I sat down at an empty side of the couch, anticipating what will Yoongi say. He didn't tell me anything during the phone call so I was wondering about it.

"I'm going back to my hometown. I will be gone for I don't know how long, so I want you to guard this house that is full of treasures." He told us, more like to me since he kept his eyes on me as he explained.

I just nodded. "Call me when something happened." The last thing he said before going out, leaving me with the other three members. They are Taehyung, Jimin, and Minho, and these three are also the ones who guarded this house during the night we went to the strip club where Sana works, which was two days ago.

"Wanna have a movie marathon?" Taehyung asked and all of us agreed since we don't have anything to do anyway. Jimin excused himself to lock the doors where assholes could get inside while I excused myself to inform Yujin.

I dialed her number and it was answered in a second. "What's up? I'm on my way to school with Jeongin and Ryujin, and if you're asking if Sana unnie is awake, she's not."

"Chill out, will you? I just wanna say I'll be gone for days to guard Yoongi's house since he's going to his hometown."


"He didn't disclose any information. Explain it to Sana, alright?"

"Ugh." Yujin groaned. I can feel her frustration up here. "When are you going to tell her? We can't keep lying to her about this matter. You need to tell her as soon as possible."

"I'm planning to tell Sana about this shit, okay? Just hold a little bit more. I'm counting on you, Yujin."

"Finally after years." I rolled my eyes. "We're coming near the school. I'll hang up, and thanks a lot for the money you left. I'm gonna spend it well~ Bye!" She ended the call with a happy voice and I just chuckled.

I'm going to tell it to Sana once Yoongi comes back. Yujin's right, there's no time to be a pussy. Should I tell her too that she's making my heart flutter and that I'm feeling something towards her?

Bitch, of course not. Think right, Y/N. That would be so weird and awkward as fuck. I don't even know if she also feels the same way like I do. This isn't the time to be dumb.

I sighed and went back to the living room, seeing a movie set up on the television and it's playing already. I stomped my way towards them. "You whores didn't wait for me!" I raised my voice.

They looked at me and laughed loudly. "You're taking so long." Jimin explained, still wearing a stupid smile on his face as I sat down beside him, stealing some popcorns from his bucket as Minho restarted the movie.

This is going to be a long day.

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