Chapter 11 - Jasper Whitlock

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Dorothea had stayed with the Volturi extended than she considered she would, to be more detailed, she had consumed a year and a half with them. She would send a letter back home to the Cullens illustrating how Aro had yearned for her to stay longer and her being too kind couldn't decline the offer.

Carlisle had even sent back a letter to her addressing how he had entered the werewolf tribe and made a better treaty than just in the woods before and asked that the girl keep it a mystery from the Volturi which Dorothea understand.

Right now, the girl is having her parting with Marcus since the rest was busy with many commands from other vampires, Aro wasn't pleased and even was close to killing his own people but Dorothea had composed the man down by guaranteeing more time in the future. "I'm truly grateful that you still put up with Aro's act and our wicked ways of living. I can't seem to find any way to -"

"Marcus, you don't have to discover any way at all. I do find it uncomfortable from time to time when being forced to drink and witness a killing, but rest assured that it won't alarm me that much to leave you or the Volturi. I see you and the rest as my fathers, the ones that moulded and raised me. I should be the one gaining ways to repay you for all the deed you did for me."

The two share a peal of great laughter and sweet words as they hug before Dorothea had to hasten to her plane, each time she would turn back to smile at Marcus until they were out of sight. "Philadelphia, here I come!"


The second the plane landed Dorothea was swift to find the nearest hotel not caring about the rates because she is too eager to roam the country's beauty. Her personality completely changes, from being loyal and elegant with the Volturi to a childish child, hyper to anything in sight. It was the Cullens who get to experience both sides of the girl.

The girl is clueless about the affectionate and craving eyes people gave to her as she giggles at her every step as the wind softly blows on her skirt and long wavy red hair. "It's so varied here that I can't help but feel thrilled with everything. There's a dog there! Oh, look a flower shop! They even have a bookstore! There are so many things to do that I don't comprehend where to begin!"

Dorothea skips in her each step with a melody of hum coming out from her pink lips as she eyes everything with curiosity and wants like a child would in a toy store

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Dorothea skips in her each step with a melody of hum coming out from her pink lips as she eyes everything with curiosity and wants like a child would in a toy store. The girl accepted where her feet bore her not even questioning it when it had halted in front of a diner. "A diner? I assume, I can taste a few of mortal's food."

Carlisle would always avoid a shop that involves human food telling the girl that vampires can't eat them, at that time she didn't answer back knowing the man was concerned about her health but Dorothea can't help but crave to experience the taste on her tongue herself.

Walking in, the place was completely packed from head to toe but the smile never left Dorothea's face even with the stares that were given to her mostly from men of every age. "Hello welcome to Good Eat Diner, my name is Lisa. How may I help you?"

A girl in her teens came up to Dorothea with an uninterested look on her face as she chews on her gum, obviously not liking her job as a waitress there but Dorothea answers her question with more enthusiasm than before due to excitement.

"Right, well I presume I'm here to... Eat?" Dorothea merely smile at the obvious while Lisa gave Dorothea a jumbled look at the childish aura she gives but neglects as she has seen much worse, eyeing the diner she let out a whisper asking Dorothea if she had a problem sharing a table with a stranger since's it's crowded.

Of course, the girl had no dilemma at all. Lisa showed her to a table far in the corner where a mysterious man was sitting with his back facing them as he stares out the window. "Take a seat. I'll be back later to take your order."

Dorothea presented Lisa with a small smile before gracefully leaning her body, out of habit, closer to the table. Her eyes scoured the diner with a child-like grin as she took in the place.

She was too employed in taking engagement in her surroundings to sense how the man in front of her that is scanning every feature she had from her eye-catching red hair, the little shimmer in her half-golden eyes, and the way she giggled and beam at everything that caught her attention.

Lisa came after noticing how the man was gawking the girl down but chose to dismiss it as she asks for Dorothea's order. "Everything on the menu declares like a delight, I can't choose. Shall go with the popular dish you have?" Lisa just acknowledge her, already feeling tired by Dorothea's energetic side, she then turns to the man whose eyes nevermore left Dorothea. "And you sir?"

"Water would be just fine."

Dorthea quickly blessed the young girl before turning her head forward to ultimately face the man, she took in how his voice was in-depth and had a southerly accent to it that she felt her body react weirdly.

"I'm sorry, I was too occupied admiring to colours. It was rude of me not to introduce myself. I go by the name Dorothea Cullen, I sure hope I'm not disturbing your privacy by sitting here. The diner is occupied completely,"

Dorothea's voice held her characteristics and she didn't overlook the red-eye that stares back at her half golden-red ones, she knows the person in front of her is not a mortal human being but a vampire most likely a nomad is what Dorothea thought.

"Not at all, ma'am. Jasper Whitlock is what they call me." They both shared a connection that made their body twisted in some weird way but somehow very delightful. The man, Jasper, knew straight away what that met as a smirk gradually went onto his face but sensing the confusion in the girl in front of him told him that she wasn't fully taught about mates.

"May I assert something? Not to offend you in any way, darling. But human food doesn't go well with a body like ours," Dorothea felt something extraordinary happening to her body as the word darling swept off Jasper's mouth but the look he was giving her was enough to make her blush if she was human.

𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟓𝟎𝟎𝐬 | Jasper Whitlock ✅Where stories live. Discover now