Chapter 73 - Meadow Love

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Breaking Dawn Pt

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Breaking Dawn Pt.2

The year 2009

The moment Jasper had given Dorothea freedom to move around, the girl had given him a quick kiss before fleeing from his reach and started running around the meadow with giggles and laughter, spinning from time to time letting the breeze hit her bare skin.

The lavenders would tickle her palm causing more bursts of laughter as the sun shone not bright but enough for her to enjoy its heat on her cold tome skin.

After one spin, she took notice of how Jasper is just standing there, watching her dance around with nature. With giggles, Dorothea reaches up to her husband, pulling him into the middle of the meadow filled with flowers.

Lifting up a fake skirt as she curtseys. She can detect Jasper, chuckling at the action before bowing himself, putting out his hand to lead the dance out of nowhere. As Jasper leads to a slow but romantic dance, Dorothea would hum a tune to go along with their steps.

A couple dancing in the middle of the meadow, not giving a second glance at the real world as they continue smiling and giggling at one another, as the male would spin the female up in the air. With a single glance, many would-be jealous of their free state and just how comfortable and in love they are.

Their utterly white and smooth skin would blend well with the green grassy field, Dorothea's beautiful muffled giggles mix with Jasper's soft but guttural chuckle as he stares deep into her eyes.

Dorothea would describe a moment like this as breezy, pleasant, amusing, peaceful, and mutually satisfying. Anything positive! Once they got exhausted from dancing, Jasper gently brought the girl down, laying on the tall grass as they just stare into each other deep-set golden eyes.

"We can't stay here long, Jass. We have a dearly beloved family to go to." Jasper had let out an agonizing metallic groan at the reminder of having an annoying family that he so dearly loved.

Jasper brought his fingertip up to his attractive and petite wife's face, taking in every detail of how her smile grew just by his single touch. "I want to dwell time. Enjoy a moment like this that only has me and you. I love you so much that words can't even explain it, love" Dorothea had cutely bashfully giggled hearing Jasper's sudden confession.

"And I too," Their sweet poetic moment had to halt when Jasper's phone starts ringing aggressively within the silent mood.

Jasper picked up the call with an annoyed tone but starts chuckling when Dorothea moved to lay on top of his chest, having a pleasant cuddle session while Jasper holds a conversation with Alice.

Mischievous, that trait suddenly came up to Dorothea, not questioning twice when her brain told her to tease Jasper while he focus on Alice's bright high pitched volume. Bringing her lips right on Jasper's adam apple, a long, hot-blooded kiss began just like that.

Giving Jasper chaste eyes when his grip went crushing on her hip.

Shamelessly, Dorothea starts moaning softly beside Jasper's ears not loud for Alice to hear but tumultuous for the man underneath her. "Thea, darling. If you don't stop, I'll truly take you right here, right now. No hesitation."

Dorothea didn't answer but instead brought Jasper into a soft, warm, and breathless kiss. A raspy groan can be heard as Jasper breaks the skin contact, quickly telling Alice to call later.

Once the line finished, as Jasper said, he didn't hesitate to switch their position and let the once innocent and childlike mood change into an erotic and sexual one. "You're not going anyone until we have a least 4 rounds, darling"

"I'm all yours!"


Jacob sleeps on the couch soundly with massive adenoidal snores, Bella and Edward watch from the window as the Cullens come back after their hunt, smiling at Dorothea when they witness the girl making fun of Dean and Emmet.

Rosalie comes into the house first looking at Renesmee in Bella's arms. "Finally. My turn." Bella gives Renesmee to Rosalie while questioning where her child usually sleeps. "In my arms. Or Thea's, or Esme's."

Jacob wakes up as the others enter the house thunderously, especially thanks to Emmet's peculiar booming voice. Alice walks up to Bella, "Happy birthday."

"I stopped ageing three days ago."

"Well, we're celebrating anyway. So suck it up." Alice holds out a key for Bella before Alice takes Bella to her surprise present, Dorothea yelled out from the kitchen with a muffled voice due to stuffing her mouth with Esme's homemade cookies, Jasper beside her, laughing at the sight of Dorothea's chubby cheeks. "You'll love it, Bella. Trust the future mind reader now."

"I should, shouldn't I? But I still hate surprises. That hasn't changed."


The next morning, Bella and Edward walk into Cullens's house looking all fresh and happy. Once Bella went near Emmet and Jasper who stood leaning on a wall for a conversation, Emmet starts teasing the ex-mortal. "Wow. Done already?"

Bella ignore him as Jasper grew a smirk feeling Bella's and Edward's emotions, "Where's Renesmee?" / "Blondie and red-haired stole her." The trio watched as Jacob's eyes follow Rosalie and Dorothea's every move from the window as they play with Renesmee outside. "Break a lot of stuff?"

"Emmett. No."

"Oh, come on Bella. If you think this household is pure then you should second guess everything. I mean just yesterday, mister cowboy over here went all beasty with Thea outside in the meadow. In public!"

If Bella stayed human she would be in a terrible blushing state at Emmet's statement, looking at Jasper for him to at least feel embarrassed or annoyed at Emmet exposing his sex life but nope. Jasper just stood proud with his shoulder high and his superior smirk.

"No matter what you say. You won't be as wild as Jasper and Emmet. I just wonder how Thea and Rose can even walk after."

Dean participates in the conversation proceeding to make the situation worse for Bella, the newborn watch as Emmet and Jasper start taunting about how soft Dean is in bed with Alice. "Hey, Carlisle is the same! But Edward is a virgin I bet it was difficult to feel pleasure at first. Tell us, Bella. How big is he?"

When the Cullens' house phone rings, Bella has never been so thankful in her whole life. "Is that Charlie?" Edward came and saved his wife away from his troublesome brother who explained about the phone call, "He's been calling twice a day."

Jacob, "He's in pretty rough shape." the wolf spoke but never left his eyes off Renessme giggling as Rose and Dorothea tickles her. Carlisle, "Eventually, we'll have to tell him you didn't make it. He needs to mourn, Bella."

Jacob nods his head in agreement along with Esme who sat in the kitchen with Carlisle baking a cake for Renesmee and Dorothea's snack "Okay. We'll do it tomorrow."

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