episode 4

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you woke up  due to a  loud noise. You heard a thud and the door being shut.

" clumsy ass" you mumbled as you got out of bed.


he's been out that long?

you walked down the dark hallway taking a right into the living room.

" why are so you loud fe-" you stopped talking when you noticed the blood on the floor.

" lixie are you okay " you asked as you rushed towards the younger male. He was clutching his lower abdomen while he was busy ripping a part of his tshirt with his teeth.

" I'm fine " he breathed out as he wrapped his tshirt around a cut on his bicep you didn't even see.

he tried to stand up and almost fell but you caught him.

" we need to get you to a hospital" you exclaimed as you put your hand over his, trying to stop the blood from flowing.

"n-no hospital" felix stutterd  as he stumbled back onto the couch

" what do you mean no hospital, look at you!" you exclaimed as you grab a nearby towel putting it over his wound.

" is this a bullet wound? Felix what did you do"

" can you stop being so loud" felix asked softly  , half hardly laughinh .

" you think this is funny, your such an ass gosh i really don't know why -"

felix cut you off by pulling you in for a kiss. You were surprised but kissed him back. That only lasted for a second before you pulled away.

" this isn't how you solve your problems yongbok"

felix smiled as he threw his head back into the couch.

" can't just win with you can i?" he asked as a small chuckle left his lips. You really wanted to put more pressure on him and make him squeal under you.

you grabbed his phone that was placed on the glass table. Scrolling through his recent calls you tapped on the only familiar one.

" what are you aggg" felix groaned when you applied more pressure on his wound.

" shut up" you hissed back as you held the phone to your ear.

" felix?" chan called on the other end of the line. He sounded tired.

" yeah no, can you come over? this ass hat got himself into trouble and if he doesn't die of this wound i will kill personally"

"you love me" felix stated loudly .

" if you don't shut up"  you glared at felix. He only smiled at you.

" what happend, I'm on my way" chan said as you heard shuffling of keys and a door opened and close.

" i don't know, I'll beat it out of him later, please just come quick" . Chan hummed as he ended the call

" aww you care for me?" felix lazily said as he looked up at you.

" I'm this close to leaving you here to bleed out" you huff out as you press down making him groan. Not long after you heard Chan knocking on the door.

" hey" you said as you opened the door. Chan's eyes widen when he saw the blood on your hands on your shirt.

he rushed towards felix.

The black crown(mafia au) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now