episode 9

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felix opened the door and no other than Jisung himself was standing behind it.

"uhh boss we have a team meeting, chan said Haneul  could join us but it's up to you" jisung said as he peeked through the little gap to look at you.

your mind went places and if Jisung didn't clear his throat you would have never heard their conversation.

" you wanna join?"  felix asked as he turned back to look at you. You thought for a while before nodding yes because you would be alone in ths room.

"we'll be there in a sec" felix stated as he closed the door in the olders face.

Felix turned back around to change into a  more comfortable shirt since his was half wet from the shower. You just slipped on some slippers as you waited for him by the door.

You and felix walked down the hallway as you passed the other boys room. Felix led you down another hall as you entered a big place that looked like a basement. All the boys were gather around a big wooden table.

Felix sat down before he averted his eyes onto you. There were only 8 chairs and it was already occupied. Felix smirked as he yanked you into his lap holding onto your waist to secure you.

" i won't help if you later on get a problem down there"  you whispered shouted enough for him to hear.

He only chuckled as he moved around in his seat trying to get comfortable.

"it be so much better if you could just straddle me" felix whispered into your ear as Chan was busy taking out some files.

you didn't respond to him and instead moved back ,   making him grip onto your waist to stop you from doing anything.

felix then wrapped his arms around your waist as you leaned back to sit your head in the crook of his neck.

"so the new shipment arrived yesterday, Ateez said it went smoothly" Chan said as he moved a file towards felix. Felix looked through it before giving Chan a nod of approval.

" jisung hacked into the cctv footage, i don't think they knew Haneul was there since they didn't go into her room and only yours"

" did our weapons get transported here?" felix asked as he started playing with your rings.

" Enhypen will bring it within the next 2 days."

Felix only nodded his head as he intertwined his fingers with  yours as he slowly rubbed circles on your hand .

The rest of the meeting Felix looked distracted. Chan noticed but didn't say anything. The rest of the members didn't notice  and just thought he was whipped.

Changbin of course noticed as he glanced at the younger every few seconds.

" lixie" you called out making said boy look up at you.  He only hummed in response.

" do you want me to straddle you now?" you joked as you tilted your head a little to the side.

Felix gave you a small smile as his eyes soften.

" lixie baby are you okay?"  you asked you turned your head to look at him better.

Felix didn't answer and instead placed a soft kiss on your lips before he pulled away and buried his head into the crook of your neck.

you tapped on the table making chan look up at you. He saw how felix was and he knew the reason , he just though felix wouldn't show it.

Chan nodded as he dismissed the meeting leaving you and felix alone.

"bub?" you asked as you turned around to straddle him.

He didn't look up at you and only pulled you in for a hug as he tightly held onto you.

You didn't say anything and just hugged him back as you ran your fingers through his dry messy locks. You rubbed circles on his back trying to comfort him.

"Haneul?" felix called out

you hummed against his hair. He didn't pull away to look at you so you let him be.

" promise me you won't leave me" he said in a soft voice.

Felix has always been a very dominant person and he values morals more than anything so for him to be so vulnerable infront of you made you want to cry.

" i promise bub, I'm right here" you said as you felt felix hold you tighter. You were sure it would probaly leave bruises in the morning but you didn't care.

Felix pulled away as you climbed off him. He didn't look back at you as he just held your hand dragging you along with him into your room.

The lights were off so you couldn't see his face. You stopped making him turn back to look as to why you suddenly weren't moving anymore.

you could see the dry tears on his cheeks. Your heart broke as you pulled him into a hug. Felix didn't say anything and instead just hugged you back.

You waddled towards the bed with him still in your arms as you both fell. You pulled the comforter over you both.

"i love you" felix softly spoke against your chest.

" i love you too" you said as you caressed his hair, helping him fall asleep.


it was cold, really cold. You turned on your side as you felt around for felix to  only find nothing. You slowly opened one eye to look at the clock.

3:17 am

felix really needed to learn to be like a normal person and not wake up so early in the morning.  You groaned as you stretched your arms out. You slowly climbed out of bed as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes.

The shower wasn't running so you thought that maybe he was in the kitchen. The house was quiet, to quiet for your liking. You moved past minsung's room, only Jisung in there.

Chan was missing but you could still see jeongin in bed. He looked fast asleep.  You turned the corner and Seungmin was there while hyunjin and changbin was gone.

you slowly walked down the stairs as you saw 5 silhouettes sitting in the living room discussing something. They didn't notice you so you sat on the stairs leaning your head against the railing.

the moonlight made Felix looked so pretty. His pretty brown orbs were scanning the room. His face was serious but he looked even prettier. You were honestly so inlove with him that it sometimes scares you.

you were extremely tired and was really struggling to stay asleep. You've only been there for 5 minutes but it felt like an hour to you. Felix's eyes landed on you as his lips formed a smirk.

The lights suddenly went on making you groan at the sudden intake of light.

You blinked to readjust as you look  back at a smiling felix. You raised your brow at him.

"pay up suckers" felix said as he extended his hand. Hyunjin looked back at you as he rolled his eyes.

" i knew my love would find me first"  felix happily exclaimed as he rushed towards you embrace you in a hug.

'did they really wake up in the middle of the night just to see who's partner would realize they were gone first?' you thought as you peeled yourself from Felix

" you guys are unbelievable" you said as you walked up the stairs with a happy felix walking behind you.

As soon as you reached the room you plopped down on the bed turning away from felix.

You weren't mad at him you were just used to it. Felix frowned as he climb into the bed. He wrapped his arms around your waist as he pulled you closer to his body.

He smiled when you didn't reject him and buried his head in your back as he sighed happily. He was really inlove and it scared him. He knew it scared you too but he was willing to make it work, what ever it takes.


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