episode 6

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you were suppose to be sleeping. It was 3am in the morning. The slight hearing of rain and wind made you relax, but not enough. You could hear him shuffling in his room. You could hear his closets open and close, you could hear, what you presume to be the bathroom door, open and close.

That only meant one thing

he was leaving

and the worst part was? He was thinking of leaving without saying goodbye. You could hear his  movements were slow and steady and quiet, really really quite. But you could still hear them. He hoped the sound of the rain would drain out his noises, but unfortunately it didn't.

so there you were laying in your bed, staring at the ceiling. The boys had left 2 days prior, now that you think of it, solely because they had to pack. Chan was one of the last to leave with Jeongin by his side, you now finally understand the apologetic look in his eyes. He knew Felix would probaly try to leave when you were asleep.

You didn't get any sleep last night. You knew felix was going to leave within the spam of 3 days. You saw the 2 black cards he left near the frontdoor. You felt hot substance forming in your eyes.

were you really gonna cry? it's nothing new to you. They all leave, he wasn't any exception, though you hoped to be. You heard his movements come to a stop, as you took a deep breath, waiting to hear his bedroom door open and close, but instead you heard a car outside.

Slowly climbing out of bed you reached out to peek through the curtains. The rain made your window blurry but you could identify to males climbing out of an suv.

Felix HATES suv's. He has ever since he was a child. His father used to drive one when he was a teenager. He got kidnap and was thrown into one so he would never step near it.

You closed the curtains when you heard his bedroom door open and close, but instead of his footsteps walking towards the front door, they were coming into your direction. Your body didn't move as you eyes were  glued on the door.

The silwer doorknob slowly turned as the brown and gold door was slightly pushed open. A frown waa on his face once he didn't see you in bed. He opened the door a little more to see you standing infront of your window, eyes glossy.

He frowned even more.

why was she crying?  felix though to himself as he made his way to you. He embraced you in a hug as he opend your curtains to see the black suv he suspected.

" were you awake?" felix sofly asked as he caressed your hair. You didn't answer the question but he knew his answer.

"I'm sorry" he said as he sighed, you pushed him off you. You were sick and tired of going back and forth with him.

One day he would treat you like you were the absolute world to him, like you were all that matterd and the next day he would act like you were nothing but his maid. He would look at you with those cold eyes that held nothing.

" do you even care about me " you asked as his frame started to get blurry due to the tears in your eyes.

"Haneul-ahh you know i do" felix softly said. He knew he was breaking your heart, that's why was trying to leave without you noticing.

He didn't want to say goodbye, he dreaded the thought but he realized leaving without a word just made things so much worse.

" then why were you trying to leave without saying goodbye, the only reason you're standing right here is because of that suv isn't it?."

The black crown(mafia au) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now