episode 11

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you really had a bad habit of waking up early in the morning due to Felix. Lazily turning to your right you see Felix peacefully asleep. He looked so cute and stressfree. Glancing to the clock behind him you see the time   2:34am.   There was no way you would get any more sleep, it's already been a week and you were slowly going insane.

Glancing over to Felix a small smile creeps on your face. Slowly stretching out your hand you caressed his cheek. You slowly traced your index finger along the scar he has on his left eyebrow. It's pretty recent but he refused to tell you where he got it.

coming closer you place a soft kiss on his nose. You smile as you back away to see his whole face again. You still couldn't believe this man right in front of you were one of the most feared men in korea.

You heard a faint knock on the door, frowning you glance back at Felix, he was still asleep. You slowly made your way towards the door as you slightly open it to see a crying Jeongin.

" why are you crying innie what's wrong?" you ask as you pull the younger into your arms. A small sob left his lips as grabs onto your shirt.

" chan hyung he-"  jeongin clenched his hands into fist as he grabbed tighter onto you. You quickly turned you guys around so that you could face Felix while jeongin's head was buried in your chest.

Felix had woken up when he heard sobs thinking it was you. Felix frowned when he sae Jeongin in your arms.

"innie what happend baby" you softly asked as you peeled the boy away from you. You wiped his tears as he looked up at you.

" chan hyung he.. he went out last night at 12 and told me he'd be back at 1 but it's almost 3 and he isn't answering his phone" jeongin sob as the words left his lips. You looked up at Felix who was already on his phone. He shook his head telling you that Chan wasn't picking up.

"innie baby i need you to calm down for Chan's sake" you softly said as you backed the boy to sit on the bed. You brought him a glass of water as he drank it.

Jeongin calmed down  but was still quietly sobbing. Chan never went out past midnight without it being a mission so Jeongin knew something was wrong but decided to just leave it.

Felix on the other hand had all the other boys in the kitchen. You could see how stressed out he was. Felix had lost everyone except Chan.

" noona c-can i try messaging him instead?" jeongin asked as he looked up at you with his red and puffy eyes. You nodded your head as you watched him reach for his phone. He took a deep breath to steady his shaking his hands.

my hyungie 🥺❤️

u {ka]?   ( u okay?)

jeongin just started at his phone. More tears appeared in his eyes but he stopped moving when  his phone screen lit up.

my hyungie 🥺❤

;33d h~)} , l0"at>{; o;   ( need help, location on)

Jeongin just stared at his phone. Chan actaully replied back to him. And the fact that he used their code showed he was in a very unsafe place.

my hyungie 🥺❤

i love you a) ^a] s  r~/~/:er ( always remember)

Jeongin's tears started running as he looked up at you. You were extremely confused on what was happening but Jeongin just ran downstairs almost tripping at the end.

"hyung he replied he needs help he sent his location"  jeongin managed to say between his tears.

" what the heck how do you understand this" hyunjin said scrolled through jeongin's phone. Jisung was busy was searching Chan's location while the other boys were gearing up.

Felix was busy loading his gun as he made a phone call.

" i want everyone on standby and make sure there's atleast 20 guards outside this house"

felix closed his eyes as he threw his gun on the counter. The sudden noise making you flinch a little but not enough for him to notice. He took a deep breath.

" if there isn't 20 men outside this house within the next 20 minutes...  if i find out a hair on her head has been touch all hell will break lose"

he went silent for a while before he opened his eyes again.

" no one touches what's mine do we understand? " Felix asked in a lower tone then usually. He ended the call as picked up his gun again strapping it in his harnesses.

he looked back at you as his eyes soften at the sight. You were fiddling with your fingers, something he learned you did when you were scared.

Felix crouched down infront of you as he put a finger under your chin making you look up at him. Your eyes were already glossy.

"Haneul-ahh I'll be back for you okay?" felix softly said. You nodded as  you looked down at  his hand on your thigh. He only had one ring on finger, the one you gave him 2 years ago.

There was a soft knock on the door.

"boss we need to leave" Minho called out from the other side of the door. Felix sighed as he glanced at his wrist watch.

" i know give 1 minute" felix said as he looked back at you. Tears were already falling down your cheeks. Felix only sighed as he pushed your head against his chest. You slightly sobbed because you didn't want his shirt to be wet because of your tears.

" i love you, i always have and i always will" felix softly spoke as he caressed your hair. You nodded against his chest.

" i love you too"  felix smiled as he wiped away your tears. He wanted to kiss you but he was going to wait until he was safe with you at home, then he'll smother you in his love.

Felix stood up and walked towards the door but was yanked back by him. He didn't protest he just let you do what you wanted to do. You looked him deep in his eyes.

" be safe, i need you home with me okay?" you asked. He only smiled as he hugged you on last time before walking out of the door. Jeongin then came in your room with plushies in his hand.

You smiled at the younger as you pulled him into your arms letting his head rest on your stomach. You softly caressed his hair.

" they'll bring him back to you" you softly said as you wiped away the remaining tears. He only nodded as he hugged the plushie tighter. Not long after he fell asleep, he must have been drain from all the crying.



i found time to update this book for you guys

tea is that Chan is missing bitches 🤠

it was Jeongin 's birthday yesterday i hoped he enjoyed it very much ❤️.

also don't forget to vote on the fan plus app.

Ateez has a comeback on the 1st of March are ya'll excited? i know this is a straykids book but ya'll author is a multi-stan.. 😋

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