chapter 50

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Haneul was shaking with anxiety. She didn't know if this plan was going to work or not, but right now, she needed to trust Seungmin with everything that she had.

"Haneul," Changbin's voice rang through her ear like a piercing scream, and she clutched her head, crouching down behind the wall of the laboratory.

She took in a steady inhale of breath, closing her eyes for a split second before she was up and moving, gun tightly held within her grasp.

She pushed open the steel door with her shoulder and pointed her gun left and then, right, observing the little hallway she was in.

"Clear," she spoke into the microphone to let the rest of the team know the east side was available for entry.

She took a few more steps, heart blaring in her chest and ears ringing, but she knew she couldn't stop now. With her body pumping adrenaline and her mind running a marathon Haneul finally made it to the laboratory door.

She could see Felix asleep on the bed, hair neatly combed and a machine beeping next to the bed. He looked like a angel, so relaxed.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt a hand on her shoulder but relaxed when she noticed it was only Minho.

"Clear for entry." Minho mumbled into his microphone,  signaling Jisung that it was time to kill the lights and turn off all the camera's.

"Everyone move in three...two....."


Haneul doesn't remember much after that. She remembers glass breaking and people screaming but it all seemed to blur together in one big haze.

Maybe it was better this way.

"Haneul?" Felix called out, looking over at the girl he admired so much. She was wearing a yellow sundress that stopped right below her knees, the wind blowing her hair in all directions.

Haneul smiled at the male infront of her, outstretching her hand for him to take and lead her down the rose garden.

Her eyes glistened in the sun, shining like two beams so bright Felix wouldn't mind being blind for the rest of his life.

"What ya thinking about?" The male inquired, curious as to what was making her zone out in a place so beautiful.

"Doesn't matter." She smiled at him, squeezing his hand in hers.

It was the truth. After all this months that day didn't matter anymore. She got Felix back and that was all that mattered. Everyone was safe.

"Guys! Up here!" Jisung called out with  excitement in his voice. He waved the couple over, pushing back his sunglasses into his hair. Minho placed a peck against his forehead as he gathered the rest of the group.

The ocean outstretched into the arms of the sun, welcoming the members off the black crown into a warm embrace.

Haneul took a seat at the table, smiling gently at everyone.

Minho and Jisung were holding hands, engaged after being together for what seemed like forever.

Chan and I.N were still happily in love, embracing each other in their warm embrace.

Seungmin and Hyunjin recently decided to adopt a puppy, wanting to have a baby of their own.

And Changbin, well Changbin was married to Ha-won, in the process of adopting a little girl.

And Haneul?

Well she got Felix and that was more than enough for her.

"Today we say prayer , and thank the lord for reuniting our family back together and for blessing us with families of our own. "


Felix smiled as he leaned his head on Haneul's shoulder, looking down at the gold band that adorned his finger.

Haneul noticed and gave him a big smile, placing his hand on her belly.

"To having families of our own. "

-The end-


Ya'll bitches i wrote this chapter published it and it was blank? Wattpad be playing so much this is exactly why i don't be writing anymore.

Well there's the black crown for ya. Thank u to everyone who stayed despite it being on hold so much!

Love ya my starmies❤️

The black crown(mafia au) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now