chapter 39

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Felix groaned as he opened up his eyes, blinking as he tried to get use to the bright light above his head

his head felt numb, and no matter how hard he tried to he just couldn't remeber why he was here. The last thing he remembered was going out with Haneul -

" so tired" Haneul mumbled, her mind still hazy from what she had been through the couple of last hours.

Felix blinked, looking down at her head on his leg as she blinked away the haze, shocked to see Felix staring at her

"lix" she smiled, slowly reaching forward to touch his hand that was connected to an IV-drip

" hey" He softly replied back, blinking away the fog from his eyes as he tried to focus on the female infront of him

" how are you feeling" she mumbled, moving closer to his body as she inspected the bandage wrapped around his head and the way his eyes were slightly dropped

"like i got hit  by a plane" he mumbled, unsure where he actually was.

" your in a hospital" Haneul mumbled softly, reaching out to clasp his hands in hers.

"damn why'd you hit me?" Felix joked, laughing softly before his head staring aching again

" don't laugh, or do anything for that matter" she stated worrisome, looking around for any signs of pain on his face, but yet he looked normal

"I'm fine princess" he assured, a droopy smile on his face as his eyes closed and he felt Haneul squeezed his hand so tightly

"I'm still alive you know"

"just making sure" she grumbled as she sighed in relied, watching him turn his head to side where Changbin was sitting on a chair, soft snores leaving past his lips

"why is he still here? " Felix questioned, turning back to look at Haneul. He noticed the dark circles around her eyes and the way her hair was slightly uncombed but she didn't look less beautiful

" he made a promise to take care of you, you didn't really think he would up and leave"

just as Haneul finished her sentence, Chan walked through the door with two cups of coffee, eyes full of sleep

" you didn't think we'd leave you here?" She smiled, thanking Chan for the coffee who sat on the opposite side of bed, looking at Felix with sullen expression

"you scared me" Chan admitted, looking over at his younger brother

"m'sorry" Felix mumbled, smiling softly at the male who just nodded in return

"I'll leave you guys to it, jeongin's waiting outside" Chan excused himself, closing the door behind him where he went to sit down next to his boyfriend

" is he awake yet? he should be awake by now -"

"baby he's awake" Chan smiled, eyes softening at the sight of Jeongin so worried

Chan leaned in and kissed Jeongin softly, the other melting into the kiss and breathing out the tension he had installed into his body

"relax my love" Chan smiled, pressing his palm flat against Jeongin's cheek as he softly rubbed his thumb over his cheekbone

"he's gonna be okay"

"he's gonna be just fine"


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