chapter 32

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"is everybody here?" Felix asked concerned, turning around and counting heads


he was paranoid, he had no reason to be, but they were young to land in Egypt soon, and he had this unsettling feeling deep in his stomach, bumbling inside of him.

"we're all here" Haneul gently smiled, as if knowing exactly what her boyfriend was feeling right now. She laced their hands together, a simple gesture sure

but it had him feeling safe and calm

He nodded his head, turning around and leading them into the plane.

After the luggage were secured and everyone was seated, Felix lifted his head once more, making sure to count 8 heads.

he let out a sigh, letting the comfortable seat pull him in, letting his tense muscles relax.

He felt a hand tangle in his hair and let out a little sigh, his body slightly relaxing at the familiar touch of his girlfriend.

the poor boy just wanted some sleep, having tossed all night.

"you okay?" her voice was soft and gentle, and she placed her free hand ontop of his, softly stroking and caressing the skin.

He let out another meaningless hum, eyes casted downwards at her rings.

She loved wearing them, she absolutely adored the feeling of heavy metal and a mixture of light pearls. That's why she always wore rings and bracelets and necklaces and anklets and earings and-

"you've never taken it off before" he softly whispered, only now noticing the smiley ring that was situated on her ring finger.

She hummed, confused at the sudden soft tone of her boyfriends voice as she looked down.

" yeah, it makes me feels safe" she admitted, intertwining their hands. The feeling of his cold hand in hers made a small smile appear on her face.

his hands were always so cold

she thought to herself, placing their intertwined hands in her coat pocket, as it bring him so extra warmth.

He lazily smiled at the gesture, the dark circles under his eyes indicating the lack of sleep.

" sleep for a while, I'll wake you if there's an emergency"

Felix looked up at her eyes, noticing how the diffrent shades of brown mixed together to form the beauty he had stared into so many times.

She smiled at him, nudging her shoulder with his as to get his attention.

"okay" he replied shortly, letting his heavy head fall on her shoulder.

And there they were seated, a baby blue blanket over their legs, hiding the fact that they were indeed holding hands.

They looked like a newly wed couple, still to shy to show the world they were together but not shy enough to show each other that they loved one another.

perhaps it was the nature of them both, to hold the things they care for close to them.

that's maybe why you always found them snuggled up together, holding hands or their feet touching.

It was the simple acts that reminded them that the other was in fact there, and that it wasn't just something that they imagined to be there to make themselves feel less lonely.

Felix let out a hum, closing his heavy eyes as he took in the intake of her new perfume. It was a gift from Jisung, and it smelled like daisy's and lavender.

it was such an unusual combination, but yet it suited her so much that the though of her not wearing it sounded foreigner to him.

Ever so gently she laid her head ontop of his, reassuring him that she was there whenever things were too hard, that she would listen, even if she couldn't always understand what he was trying to say.

She loved him either way.

and he loved her

and in that moment, it was just the two of them

united as one

and that, that was all that matterd

I'm back and (not) better but i really wanted to update the book. It's been on hold for a couple of weeks now so thank you to everyone who has been patient with me.

idk if i like it or not but yeah

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