episode 13

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"noona?" Jeongin called out as he opened his eyes. You hummed as you looked down at the younger in your arms.

" are they here yet?" he asks with hopeful eyes.

you smile at the younger before shaking your head.

" but they did manage to get Chan, they'll be home soon, Chan's safe" you said as you brushed his hair out of his face. Jeongin nodded as he gave you a small smile.

He was about to ask another questioned when you both heard the front door open, the demanding of Changbin and guards running. Jeongin immediately got up along with you as you both ran downstairs.

Jeongin almost hit his head, but he couldn't care less, he only had one thing in his mind and that was Chan.

Hyunjin had caught the stumbling younger, he was panting with tears in his eyes, barely being able to form a sentence.

"chan" was all Jeongin could say as he tried to break free from Hyunjin's grip.

" calm down innie, he's getting check out" Hyunjin softly spoke as he gave the younger a hug. Jeongin knees gave in but hyunjin was quick to catch him as he moved the boy towards the living room.

" he's fine okay, he's home" hyunjin reassured the boy. Jeongin nodded as he held onto the collar of Hyunjin's shirt, bailing his eyes out for the tenth time that day.  (my hyunin heart)

After calming down Jeongin made his way towards the room they were keeping Chan. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for what he was about to see. He was never one for violence, nor blood.

He moved his shaking hand towards the doorknob, where he slowly opened the door. He peeked inside to see Chan sound alseep, a few cuts on his face, a busted lip but nothing Jeongin hadn't seen before.

He softly closed the door as he made his way towards Chan's bed. Chan lazily opend his eyes as he stared at the love of his life. Hair messy and eyes red from crying.

" come here baby" chan softly spoke as he extended one arm. Jeongin carefully climb on the bed as he layed beside Chan. He instantly started crying.

" hey it's okay, I'm here, I'm right here" chan softly spoke into the younger's ear. Jeongin had his arms wrapped tightly around the older, in fear that he might dissappear if he let go.

" baby" chan said as he made the boy look up at him. He wiped away the younger's tears as  he softly kissed the boys lips. Jeongin immediately pulled away.

" your lip" he said as he pointed towards the bruise. Chan only smiled.

" your kisses make it less painful" he said as he pulled the younger back in for a kiss. Jeongin didn't try to urge this time and just kissed the older back, happy that he was home.


" where is he?" you asked as you run into Changbin, him instantly catching you before you could fall and hurt yourself.

" Haneul he's okay" changbin said as he brought you to your feet again.

" let me see him please" you begged as tears run down your face. You heard Felix was hurt and your anxiety immediately kicked in.

Changbin sighed as he showed you to Felix's room. He knew felix didn't want you to see him like that but he was worried about what you would do it they didn't let you see him.

" lixie?" you called out in the half lit room. Felix groaned as he turned back to you,  his right shoulder bandaged.

" i told them to not let you in" Felix said in a stern voice as looked up at you. His heart immediately broke when he saw the tears in your eyes.

" come here" he said as he pulled you into his embrace. You cried in his arms as he whispered sweet things into your ears, reassuring you he was. fine.

" you are so mean" you finally said as you as calmed down.

he chucked as he nodded his head. He carefully layed back down as you cuddled up to his unharmed arm.

he kissed the top of you head before he happily sighed.

" i love you" he mumbled into your hair. You looked up as he smiled back at you, wiping the dry tears of your cheeks.

" i love you too" you said as you placed a soft kiss against his lips. Just when you were about to pull away Felix wrapped his hand around your waist, not letting you go.

you smiled into kiss, knowing he was already back to his normal self. Just as felix wanted to add his tongue you pulled away, making him whine at the loss of contact.

" no you didn't want me in here in the first place" you simply said as you laid back down, covering you both with a the blanket. He mumbled something under his breathe.

" I'm looking forward to it" you replied back making him roll his eyes.

" I'll have you screaming for more" he simply said in a matter - of - fact tone as he pulled you closer to his body


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