episode 24

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You sighed, plopping down on the bed as you saw Jeongin and Chan cuddling up against each other, the couple deciding to just take a nap from the tiring flight.

Changbin was on the balcony looking over the pool and the pretty view of the city.

Felix was on his laptop, typing away as only the clicking of his keys could be heard. You were in some sweats, hoodie pulled over your head while you were on your phone .

You had wanted to join Changbin on the balcony but things between you two were still awkward, even if you two tried your best try and clear the air.

"Haneul - ahh?"  Felix suddenly called out, making you hum and look up at the male. He smiled, waving you over with his hand as he pushed out his chair, tapping his lap.

"what do you want?" you asked, giving him a brow with a gently smile as you crawled across the bed, sock clad feet hitting the wooden floor behind you.

"nothing" Felix chuckled, opening up his arms as you sat down on his lap, your back pressed against his muscular chest. You hummed, getting more comfortable.

He continued typing away on his laptop as you went back to scrolling on your phone, occasionally showing him a meme or a cute cat video.

Felix had suddenly attacked your side, tickling you until you had fallen off the chair, giggles escaping your mouths.

"yah! felix" you choked out, trying to hit the male with as much force as what you could muster up.

he chuckled, finally stopping his attack as he smiled down at you, lowering his body and giving you a gentle kiss.

He sighed, plopping down ontop of you as you groaned at the sudden weight, letting out breathless chuckle.

"so we're just going to lay here? on the ground?" you questioned, looking down at the male in your arms. He had simply hummed, playing with the string of your sweats.

You smiled, shaking your head as you ran your fingers through his hair, gently massaging and stroking it. Felix had purred along the way, making you burst out in a fit of laughter, causing the male to pout up at you.

"you're so adorable" you cooed, cupping his cheeks in your hands as you gave his cheeks a squeeze, his lips now being all squished before you planted a kiss on them.

" am not" he huffed, lowering his head on your chest again to hide his blush, but you had already seen his ears turn red.

"sure" you smiled, pinching his ear and making him let out a little squeal of surprise, making Changbin turn around and smile at how silly you two were being.

"you two lovebirds are going to wake up the other lovebirds" Changbin playfully rolled his eyes as Felix chuckled, standing up and holding out his hand for you to take.

You laughed, taking his hand but instead of standing up you pulled him back down, making the male gasp before planting his hands on both sides of your head, keeping his body weight up.

" you're really trying to test me huh?" he questioned, tongue poking in his inner cheek as you innocently looked up at him, blinking cutely.

"ah I'm sorry daddy" you pouted, wriggling your body out under him as you used the table to help you stand, quickly running off to the balcony so he couldn't catch you.

Letting out a laugh changbin watched as you stuck out your tongue at Felix, making the younger pout and then roll his eyes, going back to typing away on  his laptop.

" take good care of him" Changbin smiled, slightly nudging your shoulder.

You smiled, looking back at him through the window before looking over the city, the sun starting to set.

" i will"  you smiled, turning your head to look at him.

"i will" you reaped to yourself, a cheesy smile now stuck on your face

people i am alive and so sorry for not updating 😭don't kill me

The black crown(mafia au) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now