episode 20

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it was a particular cold winter night, but the members of the black crown gang had other worries on their mind. It was a simple mission sure, but they knew better than to just relax.

So when Minho suddenly took a bullet, things did really go down hill from there. The older was right, he did attract bullets.

Jisung had been the first one to cry his eyes out, since the older was loosing a good amount of blood, but there was no Jeongin to treat him. So he did what he knew was best, he put pressure on it.

but let me take you back a few hours

_ 2 hours prior _

" so i need Hyunjin up on the roof, Seungmin will go through the back, Minho you go through the front" Felix instructed, tapping Jisung lightly on the shoulder.

The older had been anxious all day long, and Felix was really starting to worry.

" be safe" Jisung softly whispered out as he and Minho made eye contact, and the older smiled, giving Jisung a playful wink before getting out of the black van.

Jisung had tried to relax, but his gut was telling him something was off. He watched carefully, calculating every step, analyzing every detail .

" Can someone tell me Minho's location?" Changbin had voiced out over their earpiece. Jisung had looked around the cameras, panick coming over him when he suddenly couldn't find his boyfriend.

The earpiece had suddenly rang inside his ear, making him pull it out and grunt at the loud noise. His cameras had went black for 10 seconds before he heard a gun shot.

" guys, guys please tell me one of you shot that" Jisung pleaded as his fingers danced over the keyboards, trying to get his signal back.

They knew they were coming, and the black crown was not prepared.

Minho had gotten location of the diamond they were trying to steal, but found it weirdly odd how the room was not guarded.

He had sent his location to Hyunjin, since he knew the younger was the nearest to him. He looked through the crack of the door, and was glad Changbin had warned him about the lazers.

The lazers weren't his problem however, as the older gasped when he felt a force hit his back, making him stumbled forwards.

He had quickly turned around, ready to defend himself but instead was greeted by nothing but air. He was sure they knew he was there, so his first instinct was to run off.

Things didn't really go as plan as his ear piece suddenly sent of a very high frequency, making him instantly pull it out and loose signal.

He had looked up to get a better look at where he was when a gun sound went off, and he found himself falling to the floor in slow motion.

White flashed before his eyes before he looked down, seeing red seep out of his body. He looked up, making eye contact with what he presume it was a female.

He put his ear piece back inside his ear, grunting at how weak he suddenly felt.

"shit" Minho mumbled under his breath as he held onto his lower abdominal. He could barely feel his legs anymore, and wondered if the bullet was poisoned.

It wouldn't be the first time it had happened to him, but he knew if he didn't make to the van in the next 10 minute he would be a goner.

He still wanted to marry Jisung, propose on the place they first met, adopt a cat or two, but he pushed that thoughts to the back of his head.

He needed to get to the van, and really quick.

" Minho! Minho please come in!" Jisung's soft voice spoke into Minho's ear.

"ughh i got shot, s-send help" Minho mumbled back, he had no idea if the younger even heard him.

" Minho!" Hyunjin had yelled out as he ran over to the older, catching him just before he had collapsed.

" hey hey Jisung will kill you if you close your eyes on me" Hyunjin had mumbled, slapping the olders cheeks to help him stay awake.

"h-hannie?" Minho questioned, his eyes beginning to tear up at the intense feeling of pain running through his body.

" just hang on" hyunjin mumbled as he stood up, gripping Minho by the waist as he dragged the boy behind him, trying his hardest not to fall on the way back to van.

" i got him" Changbin groaned as he picked Minho up, putting pressure on his wound. The whole team had decided to pull back, leaving the diamond behind.

" Minho!" Jisung cried out as he opened the van doors, everyone hurriedly getting inside. Jisung could barely see, but his body reacted before his mind did and he instantly pressed his hands on the olders wound.

" hey hey stay awake!" Jisung scolded, seeing that Minho's eyes were starting to close.

" you can't - you can't leave, you still have to scold me for eating your food, you still need to tell me  about how much you dislike everyone and everything!" Jisung desperately tried to keep the older awake.

Minho chuckled, bringing his bloody hand up to caress Jisung's cheek.

" i dislike everyone but you " he had whispered out, his voice soft, his eyes even softer.

Jisung's sobs didn't die down, but he managed to smile, somehow hoping that they would make it on  time.

" i love you" Minho whispered, his hand slowly slipping from Jisung's face.

" i - i love you too" Jisung croaked out, more tears now rolling down his face.


lmaoo lemme kill ya'll real quick

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