episode 38

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"felix! oh my gosh" Haneul sunk to her knees, carefully turning Felix's head to the side. He flinched, smile on his face as he took her hands off his face and gave them a quick kiss

"I'm all good now" he replied slowly, head still spinning from getting hit in the head with the back of his own gun

" good my ass" she mumbled, eyes softening at the male before her. He seemed to be fine, but she knew in how much pain he was, no matter how good he seemed to play it off

She made him stand, catching him intime when he swayed before her and almost fell. She called out for Jeongin, who came striding in with pain meds and and a sour look on his face

" i told hyung not to try and get up" Jeongin scolded, helping Haneul drag him over to the bed where he could sit down

Felix coughed, turning his head towards the bucket where he puked out the breakfast he had

Haneul scrunched up her nose, slightly tapping him on the back to encourage him to get it all out of his body

"he has to sleep in here so i can check up on him later tonight" Jeongin announced, directing it more to Haneul than to Felix himself

"i don't -"

"okay, I'll get his stuff and bring it here" Haneul nodded her head at her words, glancing over at Felix and then making her way towards the door, leaving Felix alone with Jeongin

"hyung, you gotta take it easy" Jeongin shook his head in mild dissapointed as he scribbled some things on his notepad.

He had that notepad everywhere he went, always making medical notes about everyone in the gang.

Felix already had a three page long essay written about his years of trauma and bruises and everything that happened to him on the course of being the leader

Changbin was a second close

"as if i knew they were gonna be there" Felix scoffed, holding his head in his hands as it kept throbbing

"why is my head hurting so much" Felix groaned out annoyed, his vision beginning to blurry as he couldn't see the outline of jeongin anymore.

"hyung - Hyung! Chan!" Jeongin shouted, worrisome written all over his face as he watched Felix grip on his head as it started bleeding

"Code six! " Jeongin shouted, grabbing ahold of some bandages and pressing them against the injured spot, all while Chan and Changbin came rushing in with a stretcher.

" we got him" Chan reassured his boyfriend as he lifted Felix off the bed and onto the stretcher, making sure he was secured.

"go! go!" Chan shouted as he rolled the younger out and into the main building, where Jisung had already arranged transport

"private hospital of main street" Jisung handed Haneul the needed documents as she climbed into the tye back of the ambulance, accompanied by Chan and Changbin

"he'll be fine right?"

"yes, he's one heck of a fighter"


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