episode 16

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"noona?" jeongin called out as he opened his heavy eyelids. You instantly whipped your head into his direction, a big smile on your face.

"how are you feeling?" you asked as you helped him sit upright.

"fine, just want water" you nodded as you handed him glass and helped him drink it. You instantly placed a tray on his lap.


"you don't have to eat much innie" i stated as i sat next to him on the bed as he placed his head on my shoulder.

He nodded as he picked up his chopsticks, putting a little bit of rice in his mouth.

"so how long was i out?" jeongin asked as he shoved some bacon in his mouth.

"2 days" you said as you ran my fingers through his hair. He only nodded as he kept on eating. He made it halfway through before he began felt nauseous.

"here" you said as you handed him some medication.

"is Hyung still here?" Jeongin asked as he fiddled with his fingers.

"yeah, he's in your room sleeping, he hasn't left your room until Felix made him get so sleep" you softly spoke as i took his hands in mine.

" he's not gonna give up on you Innie" you said as you looked up at him. he only nodded before laying back down. you tucked him in, before you left his room.

you walked down to the kitchen, the rest of the members were all sitting around the island.

"he woke up" you calmly said as you went to sit on Felix's lap.

"i made him eat, he ate half of it before going back to sleep"

"does Chan know?" Seungmin asked as he intertwined his hands with Hyunjin's

"no, felix made him sleep an hour prior"   you stated as you ate some of my food.

Seungmin only nodded as he averted his eyes upon Hyunjin.

"boss!"  Jisung exclaimed as he slightly turned his head from his laptop before hooking it up on the tv.

you had instantly made my way off Felix's lap as he moved to the living room with the rest of the boys.

"so i was watching the footage of when Chan had left"  Jisung exclamied as everyone took a seat on the carpet.

"and basically what happened is that here you can see he got a text, which we presume was from his ex girlfriend Ha-eun " Jisung continued as he showed a photo of chan on his phone.

"he then meets her here, where she drops of this child and claims it's his, you can cleary see them fighting"

"okay and this is news because?" Seungmin said as he raised his brow

jisung inhaled deeply, really trying not to throw the younger with his keyboard.

"anyway.." Jisung said as he rolled his eyes.

" she had left him there and walked away, and five minutes after that hyung and the kid got kidnap, although we don't know how, we know it from when his phone signal got lost temporarily, before he texted Innie "

Everyone nodded their heads, giving their full attention to the male.

"but as you see Ha-eun walking away, she clearly looks at something there" Jisung said as he zoomed into the black and white photo.

everyone nodded, agreeing with what the younger had to say.

"when i pulled cctv, the only thing there was this car parked in this alley" Jisung continued as he showed them a picture of this car.

"now from where hyung was standing, you won't be able to see the car, since it was already midnight and the car was black."

"but chan hyung being the second in command, spotted the car a few minutes before right?" Hyunjin questioned as he looked up at the younger.

Jisung smiled as he showed them  a video of Chan and Jennie fighting.

"right here" Jisung said as he stood up, walking over too the bigscreen to point at his face.

"he looks directly where the car was standing" Changbin said as he nodded his head.

"now, i had installed a safe button on everyone's phone right before we came here" Jisung said as he pulled out his phone.

"everyone knows of this except Haneul "  Jisung said as he gave you a small smile, you only rolled your eyes.

"now, why didn't he just signal us? Had he recognize the people that kidnap him?" Jisung questioned as he stood up from his chair.

Everyone went silent before Felix spoke up, he had been quiet the whole time.

"the kid" Felix spoke in a low tone of voice. everyone instantly whipped their heads.

Felix stood up as he moved towards the screen before going to Jisung's laptop, reversing the footage.

"what about the kid?" Minho asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Ha-jeun Choi" Felix said as he tapped on the kids face.

" wait - wait a minute, you mean the kidnapping case? you mean we had that boy with us for almost a week and we didn't recognize "  Seungmin mumbled as he stood up.

" but Changbin gave him back to his family right ? " Hyunjin asked as Changbin nodded

Felix nodded before he stopped on a new photo.

"look here, he signaled chan to go, a signal we all learnt when we entered the human trafficking game"

"that's why hyung didn't call any of us, he knew they were watching them and he also knew that the moment the kid gave him that signal, he was screw, but the thing is, Ha-eun knew this."

"but how?" Hyunjin asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"look at the necklace, who's symbol is that?" Felix asked as he tapped the flat screen tv.

"Ateez" Jeongin spoke as he stepped down the stairs.



am i dead?
no, no i am not

should i update more often?
yes, yes i should

anyway homies stream Fireworks (I'm the one) from Ateez 😋❤️.

also stream everything related to Hyunjin 🥺

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