episode 15

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it's been 3 days since that day. Felix and Minho returned to the table, where everyone would eat together, well sometimes, since Seungmin still refused to talk to the older. Chan had not explained his actions yet nor has he told Jeongin about the boy he brought home.

i have my reasons

Chan thought as he looked at the now empty table, Jeongin had passed out a couple hours ago, he was peacefully sleeping in their room.

or so Chan thought

Jeongin had woken up a hour prior and felt extremely bored. He suddenly remembered that he had brought his Playstation, to his surprise, the younger had forgot about it even tho they've already been here for 4 weeks.

The only problem was that he didn't have a plug in the bedroom, meaning he had to go all the way down to the basement. For some reason everybody has been keeping him out, saying there was some important things they didn't want anybody to touch.

Jeongin thought he'll just play a little, it's not like the door was on guard, he'll simply slip in and out unnoticed.

As jeongin made his way down the hallway, he happily hummed to his favourite songs. He was happy that his Channie was finally healing.

But, something always had to ruin his happiness, or that was what always seemed to happen .

As jeongin took a left, he came face to face with a boy, or let's rather say, face to chest, since the latter was quite small.

jeongin crouched down to see if the younger was hurt. He had no idea there was even a kid here. That's when his heart was shattered into two.

"c-can i see my appa now?" the little one asked as he fiddled with his fingers, he had a slight bruise on his jaw, nothing major but it looked like a few days old.

"your appa?" Jeongin asked confused as he put the Playstation on the ground, totally averting his attention on the boy infront of him.

The little one nodded his head before looking behind him.

" His name is channie" the younger softly said, afraid that someone might hear him.

"him?" Jeongin asked as he pulled out his phone, showing the younger his wallpaper, which was a photo of him and Chan.

The younger's eyes lit up, as he cutely nodded his head. He pointed his index finger towards the phone, a little giggle making it's way out his mouth.

"appa has the same one!" the younger said excited. Jeongin 's eyes were starting to get  teary, the child was telling the truth, since Chan had the exact same wallpaper.

"Jeongin?" Chan called out as he his whole body froze. He blinked a few times, hoping the younger would dissappear but it was useless. Jeongin turned around, his eyes glassy as he gave Chan a weak smile.

The younger had seen a glimpse of Chan, he instantly got excited as he rushed over, hugging Chan's waits as he was to short to hug anywhere else.

"Appa!" the younger called out as he looked up at at Chan. Chan's eyes were fixated on Jeongin's, as his own began to fill with tears.

no wait, baby

"let me explain" Chan said as he tried to gripped onto the younger's hand. Jeongin stopped, looking down their hands as more tears made its way towards his eyes, them finally spilling.

"l-let me go please" Jeongin spoke, almost to soft for Chan to hear.

" baby please" Chan begged as he moved closer, wrapping his arms around the younger.

Jeongin didn't hug back, his arms loosely hanging on the side as he stared at the boy infront of him.

Still looks 4

"is he hers?" Jeongin manged to get out, he could no longer see the boy, only a faint outline as his vision was getting blury.

Chan's grip got tighter. He didn't answer back, but Jeongin already knew the answer. He weakly smiled at the confused kid infront of him as tears ran down his cheeks.

Jeongin's head began to spin, the effect of him not eating getting to him. He clutched onto Chan, his legs being to weak to hold himself up.

Chan instantly stumbled backwards, trying not to let the younger fall or hurt himself. Chan brushed the younger's hair out of his face, as he softly sat down with them, Jeongin pressed flushed against his chest.

"Baby can you hear me?" Chan asked as more tears ran down his face. How could he be so reckless?

Jeongin didn't respond, he lazily opened his eyes, the only thing he wanted to do was closer them .

"Felix!" Chan called out as he pressed Jeongin's body against his, rocking their body's lightly.

Changbin was first one to arrive, seeing a crying Chan hold onto a pale looking Jeongin, and a scared looking boy standing in far corner.

Changbin instantly went over to the child, picking him up his arms, he figured Jeongin might have figured something out, but why he was in such a state was beyond him.

Felix was next, worry growing in him since he heard Chan scream his name. He quickly pulled Jeongin's out of Chan arms, rushing towards a room. He quickly handed his phone to Changbin as Changbin called the doctor.

You were next the next one to arrive as a crying Chan instantly ran into your arms. You stumbled back, both of you hitting the ground but you nonetheless hold the shaking boy in your arms.

"i didn't mean too" Chan said as he shook his head, his sobs only becoming louder.

Hyuniin along with the rest took the boy from Changbin.

You tried to calm Chan down, but he just repeated "i didn't mean too" over and over until his sobs came to an end, him passing out in your arms due to all the crying.

It broke your heart to hear him blame himself, you had no idea what was going on, but you were sure that Jeongin's state wasn't all Chan's fault.

Hyunjin and Seungmin had helped the older to his feet, as Changbin came to carry him to his room.

You instantly made your way to Jeongin's room, the doctor and Felix talking. Felix noticed you and waved you over, where you took a seat on his lap, trying to keep the tears in.

"he hasn't eaten anything in 2 days, i suggest you keep an eye on him, make sure he eats and try to keep him away from stress, stress might worsen his condition"

the doctor bid his Goodbyes as he left the room, you instantly turning around to cry in Felix's arms.


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