episode 19

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after their whole bathroom ordeal, both boys were making their way into the kitchen, nibbling on the food y/n had prepared. It was nice to have a female around, especially since it meant they got home cooked food.

" okay so today's mission is quite simple" felix declared, snaking his hands around Haneuls waist and snuggling into her hair.

he lifted his head, placing it on her shoulder and looking around the table as he awaited everyone to fill it up.

Haneul smiled, lightly tapping his head as she shoved a piece of bread in his mouth, making him almost choke as he glared at her.

"hngg~ we will be leaving shortly" felix coughed, Haneul giggling as she wiped away the bread curmbs

" It's a relative easy one as boss mentioned before, we just have to slip in and out and steal a diamond" changbin nodded his head, sliding the photo towards the middle of the table.

"since jeongin is still in recovery, i need everybody to come back in one piece, got it Minho?" changbin asked, looking at the brunette.

" hey! not my fault i attract bullets"  the brunette shrugged, earing a slap from Jisung who was sitting beside him.

"oww" he pouted, rubbing his arm as Jisung rolled his eyes,leaning in to peck his pout away before clearing his throat, Minho grinning widely.

" just be aware of the lazers" changbin continued , felix humming in agreement.

" then it's all settle" changbin declared, standing up and walking towards chan.

" you can stay behind and look after him you know" changbin stated, draping his leather jacket over his right shoulder.

" he'll be fine with neul " chan reassured, nodding his head as he lased up his boots.

"m'kay then" changbin sighed as he grabbed the van keys, making his way out the door.

"promise me you won't get hit" Jisung pouted, rubbing Minho's arms. The older smiled, gently brushing Jisung's hair out of his face.

" can't make promises i won't keep"  the older replied, earning a whine from the younger.

" just.. just be careful then" Jisung softly whined, giving Minho a hug as he felt Minho's hands snake around his waist, giving it a squeeze.

" I'll always come back to you m'kay? " Minho reassured, leaning back to look at Jisung's face. The younger's hands were still around his neck, keeping him close.

" okay"  Jisung agreed, leaning in and kissing the older one more time before they had to peal of  each other's faces.

" jeongin bub?" chan asked as he entered their shared bedroom. The younger was still asleep, but he had wanted to say goodbye before he left.

Jeongin groaned as he turned his head a little, opening his eyes as he squinted at the darkness of the room.

Chn switched on the nightlight, making Jeongin groan out again as he rubbed his eyes, slowly sitting upward in the bed.

" you guys leaving?" jeongin cutely pouted, blinking his eyes a couple of times.

" mmh just wanted to say goodbye" Chan cooed, sitting down on the bed as his hand lightly rubbed over Jeongin's leg.

" well goodbye then" Jeongin smiled, sliding down and covering himself with the blanket, a giggle escaping his lips.

Chan softly smiled , finding the way the younger was acting so adorable.

" Channie wants a kiss" Chan softly spoke, smiling gently as Jeongin's giggle made its way to his ears again.

" Channie doesn't get one ~" jeongin sign song under the covers, slightly pulling it off to look at Chan.

He knew the older needed to leave soon, but he just wanted to keep him here a little while longer.

" baby" chan spoke in a more deeper kind of tone, making jeongin look up with innocent eyes, cause he knew exactly how this was going to end.

" give daddy a kiss mhh?" chan asked, tilting his head as his bangs fell onto his forehead, slightly covering his eyes .

Jeongin pouted, since he knew he already lost the battle. He slowly sat upright, a pout still on his face.

Chan cooed at the sight, taking Jeongin's chin inbetween his index finger and his thumb as he leaned forward, letting their lips brush against each other but never letting them touch.

Jeongin swallowed, his hands softly grabbing onto the material of Chan's shirt. Sure they've kissed before, but everytime made Jeongin nervous, it made his insides flutter with butterflies.

Chan finally closed the distance as Jeongin's soft lips pressed into his, making his heart beat increase. His hand slid to cup the younger's cheek, as he pressed his body more into Jeongin.

Somehow the younger had lifted his body up, lips still attached as he sat on Chan's lap, straddling the older as his hands made their way to the olders hair.

Chan's hands made their way to Jeongin's ass, hands resting there until he gave it a good squeeze, Jeongin gasping at the sudden feeling.

Chan smirked, pulling away as he looked at the younger's sudden flush expression, a string of saliva still connecting them.

" Hyung! we need to leave" Changbin called out from the other side of the door.

Chan hummed, wiping Jeongin's bottom lip to get rid of the string saliva as he gave the younger a peck before standing up with him and softly laying him on the bed again.

He tucked Jeongin in, softly kissing the younger's forehead before turning off the light and making his way to the door.

" i love you" jeongin softly called out, his hands clutching the blanket.

" i love you too" chan replied, his heart swelling as he closed the door, finally making his way to the others...



idk how i feel about this chap but yeahhhhhhhhh

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