chapter 46

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"Get him- move" Chan grunted , pushing Felix's limp body into the van. Minho came running afterwards, tapping the side of the van and telling Jisung to hurry out

The road was bumpy and uneven and with every turn Felix let out a grunt and a curse word

He was very much still alive


Jeongin was hovering over Felix, making him drink water and then having him puke it out.

Everything , including the poison

" I can't " Felix breathed , eyes blurring out and refocusing infront of him. Everyone looked so worried yet he didn't even know what was wrong

"How much longer !" He heard Chan yell and a quiet "five more minutes hyung!" being yelled back. He couldn't identify the voices no matter how hard he tried to focus

He was in pain, in so much pain that everytime he breathed he wanted to give up and close his eyes

"Hey , five more minutes " Chan made him sit upright , tightening the bandage around his arm and around his leg .

He doesn't remember what happened after that but when he came back two he was in the hospital

He grunted , looking up at the light that shone brightly into his eyes . He moved his hand, glaring at the IV that was connecting to it .

He spent too much time in hospital's these days .

He looked to his left and saw Chan's head lolling back , Jeongin sighing and bringing the man's head on his shoulder. There were bodies scatterd all around his hospital bed that belonged to non other that his team mates

"Haneul?" felix croaked out , looking up at the female with hazy eyes. His whole body was numb but that wasn't important right now

"Oh my god - " she paused to look up at the rest of them "he's awake"

He was soon swamped with bodies , hovering above him and almost all of them dozing him in tears .

"Guys" he croaked out , a tiny smile on his face. He heard Seungmin break down and lifted his head weakly , stretching out his hand to put it on his head

"You fucking " a pause to snick "bitch" Seungmin snicked , carefully placing his body ontop of the hospital bed to cry into his leader's neck

Felix softly brought his hand down onto Seungmin's back , awkwardly patting his back to help calm down the younger

It took a few tugs and a few slaps but Seungmin was eventually off Felix and on Hyunjin's lap instead .

" can someone please tell me what the heck happened? "

" it's a long story "

" i have enough time , trust me "

I'm going on holiday soon so enjoy this 🏃

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