episode 25

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Haneul groaned, turning her head to the side. It was currently 3 in the morning and she were supposed to be up and dressed, but for some reason she was still in bed.

"Haneul -ah" Felix smiled, crouching down by the bed as he gave her a forehead kiss, tucking her hair behind her ear.

She looked behind him, seeing Chan and Jeongin still asleep, while Changbin was getting dressed.

"flight was moved to 6am, you can still sleep a little" Felix smiled, softly caressing her cheekbone with his thumb.

She smiled, closing her eyes as she got comfortable, Felix smiling at her before he tucked her into bed.

Changbin turned around, already dressed in his suit as he fixed his hair, putting his ear piece in.

Felix stumbled across the room, not wanting to wake up the rest of the members that were sleeping.

Changbin outstretched his hand, Felix smiling as he took it, taking a careful step over your suitcase as to not fall flat on his face.

"shush"  Felix giggled, dragging Changbin out of the room as the two made their way down the empty hallway towards the elevator.

The two had let go of each other's hand, Felix fixing his suit in the elevator mirror.

" we go in and out"  Felix put his serious face on, exiting the elevator with Changbin right behind him .

His gun tucked away in his back pocket, Felix smiled to the doorman, grabbing his car keys as he walked over to his car, Changbin opening the door for him.

" how long?" Changbin questioned, tucking his knife into the side of his boot.

"15min max"

Felix was quite displeased about the fact that he had to wake up at 2 in the morning to attend some business meeting.

" Sir Lee" one of the men had greeted, he was clad in all black, his long coat swaying in the wind.

Felix nodded his head, sliding his gloves over his cold hands. He looked over at Changbin, the older nodding his head as he escorted the younger into the building.

The atmosphere was filled with heavy alcohol, and an uneasy amount of sweat, making the younger scrunch up his nose.

" ah, haven't seen you in a long time" an older gentleman had greeted, putting down his whiskey glass as his dark eyes scanned the younger's body.

Felix nodded, a tight lip smile on his face as he sat down on the red leather couch, his eyes always hurting from the varies of neon lights in the club.

" a drink?" the gentleman smiled, nodding his head into the direction of a girl holding on a bottle.

Felix declined, he still needed to catch a flight, and if he reeked of alcohol, haneul would have his head on a platter.

" no thank you, but still have some business to attend to" Felix politely declined, turning his head to look at Changbin who no longer was standing where he was suppose to stand.

ah shit

Felix smiled, his hand creeping inside his head coat, feeling around until he connected his ear piece with Changbin.

" we had been looking into you sir Felix" the gentleman smiled, opening up his arms to make space for another girl.

" how exciting" felix smiled, leaning back into the couch more, his eyes scanning the club as his eyes finally landed on Changbin, the older seemly chatting away with an older looking gentleman.

" very so"

" i would love to chat the day away, but i do have business to attend to" Felix's face turned more serious.

" the documents" the gentleman nodded his head, a woman clad in almost nothing came towards felix handing him a black suitcase.

She gently smiled, putting it on his lap as she walked away.

felix opened the case, his eyes swiftly moving over what was written there. It all looked legit, and all the papers were signed.

" it was an honor doing business with you"  felix bowed, sliding over an envelope across the table, one of the woman taking it and then opening it, smiling up at him before placing it inbetween her breasts.

Felix walked away, suitcase in hand, Changbin after him, he could hear Changbin talking, to what he presume was Minho, as it seemed that the two boys were arguing over something.

" we have about an hour before the flight" Changbin opened up the car door, Felix humming as he climb into the car.

His eyes scanned the place, relieved to see that no one was trying to follow them.

They had arrived at the hotel in no time, Felix making his way inside as he opened up the door to his room.

Haneul were sound asleep, mouth slightly parted to let air make way, while Chan was busy getting dressed, Jeongin passed out on the bed.

Felix put the suitcase down, making his way over to the bed as he softly sat down, rubbing her leg.

She groaned, turning her head to the side as she slowly opened her eyes, looking straight into his brown orbs .

" hi" you smiled, lazily rubbing your eye.

" hi" felix smiled, planting a kiss to your forehead.


i am sorry for not updating more, mentally i have not been doing great, but I'm trying to update so please be patient with me

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