1. Sixth Year

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"Evelyn dear, let's go" Evelyn's mother called out, Evelyn sighed before closing her trunk, "Wingadium Leviosa" Evelyn said using her wand and running downstairs, her mother looked at her and smiled, she returned the smile back and walked out the door before giving her father her trunk.

Evelyn got in the car and put her headphones in, listening to her music, Evelyn's parents both got into the car and sat in the front seats whilst Evelyn sat in the back, she couldn't wait to see Tom and Draco and her other friends.

While Evelyn was listening to music her mother got paper and threw it at her, "What?" Evelyn asked taking the headphones out, "Please behave when you go to school and, don't do anything bad" her mother warned, meaning she didn't want Evelyn skipping classes to have sex in the bathroom with boys and skipping classes to go to hogsmeade, "No promises" Evelyn said putting the headphones back on and listening to her music.

Evelyn's mother sighed and turned around paying attention to the front, Evelyn's dad then threw a paper at her, Evelyn sighed and took the headphones out again, "Yes?" She said, "Evelyn please listen to your mother and behave and don't do anything bad with those friends of yours" her father said, he always thought that they were all bad news since we always were the ones to get in trouble.

Evelyn sighed, "Fine I'll try" Evelyn said and just unplugged the headphones and rest her head on the window, watching all the cars drive by and the birds that fly in the sky, "So it's your sixth year how do you feel about it" Evelyn's mother asked trying to make conversation, "Fine" Evelyn said not wanting to talk, "Oh" her mother said, Evelyn sighed "Mum" Evelyn said, "Yes?" She asked, "Talk" Evelyn said with gritted teeth.

Evelyn's mother smiled, "When me and your father were joining our sixth year we were very sad and happy, we were sad because there was only one more year for school but happy that we accomplished this much in our lives" her mother said continuing to talk about hers and dads life, even though she heard it one hundred times.

Evelyn yawned and closed her eyes, "Evelyn" her mother said, but no response she turned around to meet sleeping Evelyn, "oh" her mother said and turned around, Evelyn opened one of her eyes and smiled before closing it and going to sleep.

1 hour later

"Evelyn" someone said shaking her, "Evelyn!!" they yelled and Evelyn jumped awake to see her parents shaking her, "What?" Evelyn asked with a raspy voice, stretching her arms, "We arrived" her father said and she jumped out the car and got her trunk.

Evelyn's parents both followed after her, she ran through the wall, shivers down her spines, "God that never gets old" Evelyn said and started walking to the train, "Bye sweetie" her mother and father said, and she smiled in response looking for her two bestfriends, she finally found them and tapped on their shoulder causing them to jump a bit.

"Evelyn" they yelled in usion, "Hi miss me?" Evelyn asked, "No" Draco said and Evelyn rolled her eyes, "Eh kinda I guess" Tom said and Evelyn rolled her eyes at them both, they both laughed and pulled her into a hug, in which she hugged them back, they pulled away from the hug then she got a good look at them both.

Wow they look hot, how did they change that much, Stop it Evelyn their your bestfriends, I can't possibly be falling for them both, can I? That would be weird, wouldn't it? Oh fuck they look so hot, ahhhh their fucking hands, hands, hands, it's so....veiny I wonder what they could do, Evelyn stop they're your bestfriend.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now