11. It's His Birthday

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Vote and Comment otherwise I'll take your head.

Also who do you ship more Draise or Taco or Maise.

Draco + Blaise = Draise.
Tom + Draco = Taco or Traco.
Mattheo + Blaise = Maise.

TW: Sucidal thoughts, cutting, mentions of abuse.

Draco woke up and saw Evelyn and Tom sleeping peacefully he moved Evelyn's hair out of her face and kissed her forehead before getting up and going into the bathroom, Draco did his business then washed his hands and went back into the room, it was four forty-eight  in the morning, he wasn't tired, he was debating in whether if he should go to the Room of Requirements and fix the cabinet.

Draco sighed and put shoes on, he had to he careful not to get caught, he was only in pajamas but he didn't care, he was going to try and get back before people woke up, Draco walked out the dorm quietly and walked into the Slytherin common room, he was walking when he heard someone sobbing, he was debating on whether to see who it was or not, Draco sighed and went to the corner and saw a girl sitting with a razor blade in her hand.

Draco's eyes widened and he snatched the razor blade away accidentally cutting himself but he didn't care, "Hey are you okay?" Draco asked holding his hand out but she flinched and moved back from him, "It's okay, I promise I won't hurt you" Draco said softly and slowly put his hand out, the girl let out a breath and gave him her hand, Draco gave her a soft smile and helped her up.

"How old are you?" He asked, "T-twelve" She stuttered out and Draco sighed, "You shouldn't be harming yourself" he said sitting down along with the girl who carefully took a seat,  "Why? Why shouldn't I? It takes away the pain, it takes away everything....everything, I love it" she said and Draco frowned.

"Who hurt you?" He asked and her face paled, she looked scared and her breathing started speeding up, Draco cursed and took her hand rubbing it, it was what his mother would do when he had panic attacks, "Count to ten with me okay" he said and she nodded her head, "one" Draco said, "o-one" she said and they continued.

"Ten" she said and Draco smiled letting out a breath, "What's your name?" Draco asked, "Lucy" She said, "Everyone says they promise they won't hurt me but they all end up hurting me in the end without knowing it and sometimes know they're hurting me" Lucy said, "same thing happens with me" Draco said chuckling to himself.

"Who hurt you?" Lucy asked, "I don't want to intrude" Lucy said, "My father" Draco said looking down, "Mines too" Lucy said fiddling with her fingers, "I'm sorry" Draco said, "Why? It isn't your fault" Lucy said, "You don't have to apologize" she said and he nodded his head.

"Come with me, but be quiet" Draco said and guided her to his dorm, Draco opened the door but luckily no one could see Evelyn and Tom, Draco led her to the bathroom and she looked around in awe, he then opened the cabinet and got stuff out, he pulled up her sleeves and stuffed a rag in her mouth, he then poured something on the cuts which made tears sting in her eye.

"Yea I know it hurts, but it'll help" Draco said and Lucy nodded her head, once he was done, he wrapped her hands and they walked out of the dorm, "Thank you" Lucy said quietly and Draco nodded his head, Lucy left and Draco walked out of the common room, looking both ways, he then started walking,  "Going somewhere...Mr.Malfoy" He heard Snape say and groaned, "Well if you must know Professor I have a task to do and I intend on finishing it, now if you don't mind" Draco said and walked past him.

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