23. Mission Time

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Written by the best: Mattheo Riddle.

-"I'm the best" M.R

TW: gore, blood


Evelyn woke up early the next morning before everyone and went into her bathroom, the girl brushed her teeth then took a shower, she then got a pair of black jeans and a sweater since it was come and put socks on then her shoes.

They were all black.

(M.R: I'm hot😏)

The girl grabbed her phone and the map and walked into the library, she pulled the book back and the secret door opened, she then walked in and looked at the potions, she saw Wolf'sbane, Vervain, and others with people's blood and names on it.

She didn't need any of those, "What are you doing?" She turned around to see Mattheo looking at her, "Nothing now leave" Evelyn said and he shook his head no walking up to her and grabbing the map, "No" he said and she bit her lip, "Give it" Evelyn said and he ignored her.

"Mattheo" Evelyn said but he ignored her, "No, I told you not to go there and you're planning to go, its dangerous" Mattheo said and Evelyn rolled her eyes, "Then come with me" Evelyn said and Mattheo thought about it for a second as Evelyn placed two dagger in a bag.

"What's that for?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, "For protection" Evelyn said and Mattheo rolled his eyes, Mattheo walked into the other room and grabbed a book placing it in the bag, "Uhm what's this?" The girl asked, "A spell book duhh" Mattheo said stating the obvious.

"What's it for?" Evelyn asked and he sighed, "For you to use dumbass" Mattheo said and Evelyn looked at him confused, she didn't know how to do wandless magic, it's not like her mother started teaching her any of it yet.

"Whatever let's go" Evelyn said and grabbed Mattheo by his hand and dragged him out of the library, the two quietly walked out of the house being careful not to make noise and wake anyone, they stepped out of the house and to outside and started walking.

The two were still holding hands as they walked, all of a sudden Evelyn could feel herself aparating then her falling onto the ground while Mattheo looked down at her laughing, Evelyn flipped him off then grabbed his sweater pulling herself up.

"Hope your dick gets cut off" Evelyn said and Mattheo held a hand over his chest, "Okay so we have to walk a straight path then take a left another left then a right and left again and so on" Mattheo said and Evelyn sighed as they began to walk down the straight moment.

"Okay so we take a uh left then a right' Mattheo said and Evelyn stopped walking, sitting on a big thick tree branch, Mattheo sat down next to her and they both sighed, they had been walking for four hours and still haven't gotten anywhere.

"I wish we could just aparate" Evelyn said and Mattheo nodded his head, the two wanted to aparate but they didn't know where the place was and knew they would be tired from the long aparation and that the Ministry could find out.

"Wanna hear a story?" Evelyn asked Mattheo and he shrugged his shoulders nodding his head.

Evelyn cleared her throat and Mattheo rolled his eyes.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now