9. New Student

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New character😏ayee.

TW: Sucidal thoughts

It was now two weeks since they came back from Malfoy Manor, the parents got mad at their children for getting piercings without permission, but the moms secretly loved them and played along, let's just say it didn't go too well with Draco and his father, he had came back into their room, furious and looked like he wanted to cry but held it back.

Tom was furious at this, but Draco had told him to leave it alone, he sighed and said he would leave it alone, but he lied, he never left it alone, Tom threatened Lucius and told him if he ever did that again, he would kill him, Tom had made Lucius bow down and kiss his shoe.

Right now, they were all in the common sitting on the couches, except Pansy wasn't with them she was with "Jakey boy, stupid ass" Blaise said, "Just move on from her already" Enzo said sighing, he was tired of hearing Blaise moan about Jake, "Jake's kinda cute" Evelyn said and Tom chuckled then grabbed her thigh squeezing it hard, "Sorry" she whispered, "Heard there is a new student coming today" Daphne said, "Really?" Theo asked and she nodded her head, "Heard he's cute too" Daphne said and Evelyn smirked earning a slap on her thigh from the two boys.

Evelyn had found out what they had engraved under her breast with the knife it was, D.M and T.R, meaning she was their property and theirs and no–one elses to touch, Pansy still ignored her and never talked to her, Evelyn had walked up to Pansy's dorm and knocked on it, Pansy opened the dorm and just scoffed and slammed the door in her face, Evelyn sighed and gave up, she was tired of Pansy's childish act.

"Here they come" Blaise said groaning and rolling his eyes, Pansy and Jake both came into the common room, hand in hand, Jake had tattoos on his arm and had curly hair, he was really cute, they were walking when Jake stopped and waved at them all, everyone waved except Blaise who just went on his phone, Jake was actually nice, he may seem like a fuck-boy and bad boy but he was actually really nice.

(Guys we're going to be using Zaddy Vinnie, yes Vinnie Hacker as Jake, pls–someone help me with a better name)

Pansy rolled her eyes again, "Keep rolling your eyes Parkinson, maybe you'll find your brain back there" Evelyn snapped and Pansy stomped away with Jake following behind her who muttered a sorry to them, "Kind of feel bad for him" Daphne said and they all looked at her, "I mean he has to deal with her tantrums" Daphne said and they just sighed, "I still can't believe you all got piercings" Evelyn said and they sighed, it was the one-hundredth time she said that, they just fake-smiled at her and gave her thumbs up.

"Whatever" Evelyn said and flipped them off, "I want a boyfriend" Daphne said frowning and the boys smirked except Enzo who was fiddling with his fingers, "None of us are free, I think Enzo is though" Blaise said smirking and Enzo's head shot up at his name and his eyes widened as he looked at Blaise, Blaise nudged the boys shoulder and he looked at Daphne nervously who was blushing, as he was about speak, all of their's widened at what Daphne did.

She ran.

She ran out of the common room, bumping into first years, "Ouch?" Enzo said as he bit on his lip, Evelyn frowned and got up leaving the common room and went into the bathroom, to see Daphne freaking out, "I think he was gonna ask you out" Evelyn said making Daphne jump, "Shut up, I need to think, god he's so beautiful, aw shit I messed up, what did I do, did I just run out the common room, EVELYN HELP MEEE!" Daphne yelled as she shook Evelyn.

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