5. Next Morning

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R.i.p Hellen McCory, she will be missed🕊💔🥺.

When I heard the news I just started crying, I couldn't believe this and it was so sudden🥺🥺 why did this have to happen
𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭😏

Evelyn woke up the next morning and groaned when she moved her feet, they were still hurting, she looked at her waist and saw a hand on her and she was laying on someone's chest, memories of last night kept replaying in her mind, making her blush, Evelyn then sat up and saw them both still sleeping peacefully.

She chuckled and moved Draco's hair out of his face and moved Tom's hair out of his face, she then swung her feet off the bed and stood up only to fall and squeal, she saw Draco jump up and look around then he got a pocket knife out and held it, "Put the knife away Draco" she said and he looked at her confused and then it was replaced with a smirk, he put the knife away and picked her up placing her on the bed.

"What was she doing on the ground?" Tom asked with a raspy voice and Evelyn's jaw dropped, "Oh my fucking god that's hot" she said out loud and her eyes widened then she slapped herself for saying that, Tom sat up on the bed and looked at her and smirked, "Stop smirking" Evelyn said, "She fell on the ground when she was trying to walk, but I think she needs a wheelchair" Draco said with a raspy voice as well and Evelyn took a pillow and screamed, "Why are you screaming?" Tom asked, "Your morning voices are hot" Evelyn said blushing slightly.

"Oh really" Tom said and Evelyn nodded her head, "You blush too easy" Tom said and Evelyn was about to roll her eyes but stopped herself and just fake smiled at him, "Are they here?" Evelyn asked starting to stretch her arms, "Yup" Draco said and layed his head in Tom's lap, Tom started playing with Draco's hair as Evelyn stretched, she wasn't jealous of their relationship she found it cute and hot, Tom leaned down and placed a kiss on Draco's cheek and kept playing with his hair.

Evelyn then started stretching her feet, but couldn't do it, she just fell back onto the bed and sighed, she raised her arm and looked at the mark and realised she totally forgot about it, she then remembered their words that they could make her forget the pain on her hand and give her another type of pain, she then looked up at them and glared at them, mad because now she can't walk, but wasn't that mad since it was good.

She then rolled over next to Draco and sat up, looking under her pillows for her phone, she kept searching under her pillows but couldn't find it, "What are you looking for?" Tom asked, "My phone" Evelyn said, Tom then grabbed something off of her night stand and handed it to her, it was her phone, "Thank you" she said and slapped Draco on his thigh, "What the fuck Evelyn" Draco said and sat up, Evelyn moved him and sat between them leaning on her head-board, "You know I should really spank your ass until its red for hitting me" Draco said and Evelyn blushed and looked at him, "But I won't since your ass might me sore from me spanking you and well you know the rest" Draco said with a smirk and Evelyn started sinking in her bed.

"Can one of  you make breakfast?" Evelyn asked looking at them both, "Sure after I'm done showering" Tom said, "Why do they know what you two wanted to do with me?" Evelyn asked, "Because love we trust them" Draco said, "Ok but do they know you two are bi?" Evelyn asked and they shook their heads, "Well Blaise knows, turns out he knew for a while" Tom said , "Oh" Evelyn said, "Fourth year" Tom said and Evelyn gave him a confused expression, "You asked last night how long me and Draco have been together and we have been together since fourth year" Tom said and Evelyn nodded her head.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now