27. His Fiance

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TW: Death, use of poison, vomiting.


Draco was sat in the Room of Requirements as he stretched yawning, he had been mending the Cabinet for hours and didn't sleep at all, he was tired, it wasn't fair he was the only one with two tasks and had to get married to someone he didn't even like.

He missed both Tom and Evelyn, he missed the way Evelyn would smile, blush and look away when she was happy, embarrassed, and nervous, he loved everything about that girl but he couldn't have her.

He missed the way Tom dominated him, he missed the way Tom cuddled him, he missed the kisses and forehead kisses from Tom, he missed everything from Tom.

But he couldn't have them both due to having an Arranged marriage, it wasn't fair that he was forced to marry someone, he didn't want to get married at all, he just wanted to be free and be with Tom and Evelyn.

Draco wished that his mother could have tried a bit harder to make him not get into an Arrangement.

He knew Tom was furious with him because of how he got engaged and did not tell anyone, Draco was also mad because of how clingy Asstoria started getting towards him.

Draco rubbed at his eyes as he got up and walked out the Room of Requirements making sure no one was there, Draco walked to the dungeons until he reached Slytherin common room, the blonde yawned and said the person entering seeing someone sat down on the couch reading.

"What are you doing up so early?" Evelyn asked and the blonde smiled remembering that she always got up early to read, "Uhh just taking a walk I guess" he said and she smiled, "Want to sit with me?" She asked and he frowned.

He wanted to say yes but he had to say no.

But he couldn't say no. Why? Because she was too adorable in his eyes, her wearing pajamas along with fluffy socks and her hair messy which was down.

"Sure but I have to leave soon" the blonde said and she nodded her head as he sat next to her, "What's wrong with your hair?" The blonde asked and she frowned, "It got tangled" she said and he nodded his head as she started to read her book again.

He adored the way she was interested in the book and would occasionally gasp.

"You're staring" Evelyn said and the blonde looked at her, "What I'm just admiring how beautiful you are" Draco said and the girl blushed, him not realizing what he said.

Draco moved her hair out of her face then caressed her cheek, the girl leaning onto his hand, "I hope one day all three of us will be reunited and no one can split us apart" Draco said and kissed her hand before leaving.

Draco walked into his dorm shocked to see Tom on the other side, "Where were you?" Tom asked and Draco bit his lip, "On a walk" he replied, "So you went for a walk all night?" Tom asked still half asleep.

"Yea I guess" the blonde said as he went into his closet and got a suit out, "Oh" Tom said as he fell back asleep, Draco rolled his eyes with a small smile and fixed the blanket on him, the blonde went into the bathroom, stripping off of his clothes and stepping into the warm shower.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now