40. She's Sick

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Dec, 3rd 1978

Sorry not sorry🤪

Yes we are going this fast and the timeline is changing fast.

Whatever tf timeline means. (I'm dumb okay)

Evelyn was sick, she had been complaining for the past week about how she was sick.

Throwing up everywhere and everyday, Draco was tired of having to wake up to the sound of hearing her throw up so moved out of his own room and into a guest room whilst Tom had to deal with her himself.

Of course Draco helped him when she needed food but other than that, the blonde was lazy for the past days and that made Tom a bit angry.

Tom walked into the blonde's room only to find him sleeping, "Get up" Tom said and Draco groaned as he put a pillow over his head, Tom walked over to the blonde and took the pillow off throwing it onto the ground, "I will throw you out a window"

Draco stifled a laugh as Tom rolled his eyes before rolling the blonde over, "But Tommy" the blonde whined and Tom rolled his eyes once again before giving the blonde a slap on his face.

"Love you" Tom said as he left the room, Draco pouting and rubbing his cheek as he got up, still in his pajamas, with bunny slippers on and walked to his room only to see Tom sat down on the bed scrolling through his phone.

Tom looked up at the blonde and chuckled, "Aw my cute little bunny" Tom said and Draco blushed as he walked over to the other and straddled his lap, "You're so mean" The blonde said and Tom chuckled as he kissed the blonde's neck.

Tom kissed his neck once again and continued to do it as he listened to the blonde's heavy breaths.

Tom pulled away from the blonde's neck and caressed his cheek, "Okay I have some stuff to do so come on bunny off of me" Tom said and he listened as the blonde whined which made him smirk.

"Please" Draco said merely a whisper, "What's wrong?" Tom asked still smirking as he played with the blondes hair, "You know what" Draco said and Tom smirked.

"Just please" the blonde begged as he looked at the other with pleading eyes, "Oh tsk tsk my bunny is being a bad bunny isn't he?" Tom asked and Draco nodded his head.

"Its to early bunny plus you just woke up" Tom said as he laid the blonde on the bed before leaving the room, the blonde groaned and threw the pillows onto the ground.

"Stupid bitch" Draco grumbled out, "I heard that! And pick up my pillows" He heard Tom say on the other side and his eyes widened as a smirk grew on his face.

"Fuck you and fuck off, pick up your pillows yourself, I am not your slave" Draco yelled and he watched as the door knob turned, he sat up and then watched as Tom walked away from underneath the door.

Draco groaned and layed back down onto the bed, this was going to be a lot more harder than he thought it would be.

(Speaking of hard-)

Draco eventually got off of the bed and walked out of the room downstairs where he saw his parents, Tom and Evelyn along with his friends all sat down eating breakfast.

Why didn't anyone tell him that people were coming over?

"Oh hi bunny" Tom said and Draco rolled his eyes as he walked over to Tom and aggressively sat down on his lap, Tom let out a small groan as he put his hands on the blonde's waist.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now