29. Masquerade Ball

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TW: psycho evelyn, death, murder

Their clothes are on my instagram appleydaddydraco so go to the account if you want to see what their wearing.

Can y'all comment because I got 35 comments last chapter and that made me upset


Evelyn woke up the next morning and smiled, she wanted her day to be good before she gave both Daphne and Pansy a piece of her mind.

They were supposed to be her bestfriends.

She thought she could trust them but it looks like trusting someone always comes with a price.

Evelyn stood up from her bed and went into her bathroom, the girl washed her face, brushed her teeth- then took a warm shower, she then put on some clothes and walked out her dorm.

Evelyn saw Adrian and walked up to them, "Where is everyone?" She asked and he rose an eyebrow at her, "Everyone meaning your friends?" Adrian asked and she nodded her head.

"Masquerade Ball at Malfoy Manor, did you not get a letter?" Adrian asked and she rose an eyebrow shaking her head, "Well damn" he said and she shrugged.

"Its fine, got to go" Evelyn said as she left the common room, her smile coming off of her face, as Evelyn was waking she saw Lucy and sighed walking up to the girl.

"Hey Luc!" Evelyn said and Lucy smiled hugging her, "Hi Evelyn" Lucy said and they both began to walk to the great hall, the two walked to the Slytherin table and sat down getting their breakfast.

"Phsyco" Evelyn said out of nowhere and Lucy looked at her confused but the older smiled and ate her pancakes while Lucy shifted slowly away from Evelyn.

"Are you okay?" The younger asked and Evelyn looked at her with a smile,

"Of course I am, I mean why wouldn't I be, I mean it's not like I found out that the two people I called my bestfriends did something that made complications to my relationship and it's not like two of my friends said mean stuff to me, so I'm fine"

Lucy stared at her wide-eyed.

"But you must not worry, I am fine now" Evelyn said and Lucy smiled while gulping.

The younger was scared for some reason- scared because she had a feeling something bad was going to happen.

But what was going to happen?

That question was stuck in her mind.

"What do you want to do today?" Lucy asked and she watched as the older looked down at her food- thinking.

"I have something in mind but it's not for young children, sorry Luc but maybe when I get back we can go something"

"Okay" Lucy said with a frown and Evelyn chuckled a bit,

(Tom & Draco are mines <3)

Evelyn stood up with a smile patting Lucy's head before leaving the Great Hall and going into her room, the girl sat on her bed thinking if ways she was going to get her revenge.

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