20. More Than The Truth

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Next chapter comes out when this one has 40 votes and idk comments.

I'm guess some of you might be wondering why I'm starting to do that and I'm sorry, I appreciate you all but its just authors take time in their day and life to do these stuff for you all and I am not saying I'm ungrateful or anything, it's like u paying me with me raising the price. lmfao I'm joking

I think I am sorry for this chapter I guess.

TW: mentions of not wanting to live.


Evelyn woke up to a hand wrapped around her waist, the girl turned around and saw Theodore sleeping, the girl removed his hand only for him to place it back and pull her closer to him, "I wanna cuddle" Theodore whined and Evelyn sighed and wrapped her leg around him.

"I need to use the bathroom" Evelyn said and Theodore groaned and rolled over, Evelyn got up and went into her bathroom closing the door, the girl used the toilet then washed her hands, Evelyn looked in the mirror and sighed.

She needed answer from her mother.

Evelyn splashed water onto her face and then washed her toothbrush, she then put toothpaste onto it and then washed it again, Evelyn then began to brush her teeth, after she was done with that, the girl spit the toothpaste out then brushed her tounge, once she was done she rinsed her mouth and walked back into her room where she saw Theodore sitting against her headboard.

"Evelyn" Theodore started and she looked at him, "I- I didn't mean anything I said last night, I was drunk and you know drunk people intend to say things" Theodore said and Evelyn walked up to the bed and sat down while looking at him with a raised eyebrow, "Oh really" Evelyn asked and he nodded his head.

"Theo it's okay if you like guys I mean look, Draco and Tom are practically dating" the girl said and Theodore sighed looking down at his lap, "Its okay if you and Cedric dated" she said and he bit his lip, "I'm not suppose to like guys" he said and Evelyn frowned hugging him, "I think no I know that you are allowed to like any genders you are attracted to because it's your choice not anyone elses" Evelyn said and Theodore sighed.

"Mum is gonna be mad once I tell her I dated a guy" Theodore said and Evelyn pulled away from the hug, "You weren't out to anyone?" She asked and he sighed nodding his head, "Mattheo had found out, I don't know how but he did" Theodore said and Evelyn rolled her eyes knowing Mattheo knew almost everything.

"He is a dickhead" Evelyn said and Theodore chuckled, "Evelyn!" Someone shouted as they burst into her dorm and she saw Blaise who was staring at her with wide eyes, "I think– I think I found out who my secret admirer is" Blaise said and Evelyn's eyes widened.

Well fuck. She thought.

"Who?" Evelyn asked, "It's....Daphne, it's kind of obvious, she is single and plus Lorenzo and Belle flirt everyday in front of her" Blaise said and Evelyn picked up a shoe from the ground and threw it at his head, "This bitch is dumb" Theodore said and Evelyn agreed as Blaise held his head.

"What?" He asked, "You know what, I'm done" Evelyn said as she mentally groaned in a pillow, "I have to get ready" Evelyn said as she stood up and went into her closet taking clothes out and throwing it at the two boys, "What should I wear?" Evelyn asked herself.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now