14. She Got Threatened

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Also those were the things, Cissy got for Draco's birthday.

Guys I am so sorry for this chapter😢

TW: slight panic attack, mild harrassment


Evelyn was whining as Tom and Draco tried to wake her up, it was six in the morning and she was still tired, "Pleasee let me sleep more" she said pouting and Tom picked her up from her waist, placing the girl on the floor, Evelyn fell and layed do...

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Evelyn was whining as Tom and Draco tried to wake her up, it was six in the morning and she was still tired, "Pleasee let me sleep more" she said pouting and Tom picked her up from her waist, placing the girl on the floor, Evelyn fell and layed down on the ground.

"Evelyn get up" Tom said and the girl whined shooing him away, "Evelyn please get up" Draco said sighing and she ignored him and kept sleeping, "Fine" Tom said and picked her up throwing her onto the bed, "Get a bucket of cold water" Tom said to Draco showing a stern look and the blonde sighed going into the bathroom.

Draco came out of the bathroom with the water and gave it to Tom, Tom counted and threw it on the girl, her jumping up and pouting then getting a pillow and screaming in it, "Why couldn't you have just let me fucking sleep" she cried out and Tom ignored her and picked her up.

"We have to go visit my father princess so you have to wake up" Tom said and the girl whined and kept pouting and Tom placed her on the sink, he then went to the shower and turned it onto a warm temperature, "Come on" Tom said and picked her up placing her in the shower with clothes on, he then enetered the bathroom and helped her out of her clothes.

"Need help?" Tom asked and the girl groaned, Tom grabbed the loofah putting body wash onto it and soaping her skin as Evelyn stared at him, he and Draco was the most handsome people she ever saw, Tom pressed his lips against the girls and she kissed back.

He removed his lips from the girls, her pouting and making a mad face but was actually cute which made Tom chuckle, he continued soaping her skin then rinsed it off and wrapped a towel around the girl.

Evelyn dried her skin dry then put her undergarments on, she walked into the bedroom and Draco gave her a dress, Evelyn put it on and showed it to the two, she spun around and then walked to the bed and layed down, "Evelyn I swear to fucking god" Tom said and the girl whined.

Evelyn got up and plugged in her curling iron, she then curled her hair and then sat back on the bed as Tom helped Draco tie his tie, once he was done Tom got heels from the closet and gave it to Evelyn, once he realised that she wasn't going to put it on, he raised her feet and put the heels on her.

"So fucking lazy" Tom said and the girl groaned as he grabbed her hand, "Let's go" Tom said as he held the girls hand and they started walking, they walked out of the common room and started walking to Snape's class where they found him waiting for them, Snape told them to take his hand and they did, they then aparated on Malfoy Manor grounds and walked in.

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