8. Her Punishment

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Credits to Forever__ending she gave me the idea, thank you love.

Also follow my instagrams drac0s.hoe and appleydaddydraco..
Mature Content

Evelyn woke up in the middle of the two boys, Draco's arm and foot was securely around her while Tom was snuggled into her chest, him breathing against her slowly, his hand wrapped around hers and Draco's body securely, Evelyn smiled and kissed his forehead and the kissed Draco's.

She slowly removed Draco's hand from around her along with Tom's and removed Tom's head from her chest and then removed Draco's foot as she was about to get up, she was pushed down onto the bed, "Stay in bed" Draco said with a raspy voice and his eyes closed, Evelyn sat up but was pushed down once again except she pushed down onto Tom's head.

Evelyn got up and saw Tom opening his eyes as he held his hand, "What the fu- what's going on?" Tom asked with a raspy voice confused on why Evelyn layed on his head, "Sorry Draco pushed me down" Evelyn said with a raspy voice, Evelyn looked at Draco and he was smirking as his eyes were closed and as he squeezed his pillow.

"Where are you going?" Draco asked as he finally opened his eyes, "Bathroom" Evelyn said and went into the bathroom, Evelyn said her business then started washing her hands, she splashed water onto her face, and got dove soap and started soaping her face, once she was done, she rinsed the soap off and got her toothbrush, Evelyn wet the toothbrush then put toothpaste and wet the toothbrush again, she then started brushing her teeth.

Draco then came into the bathroom and lifted the toilet seat and doing his business, after he was done, he washed his hands and wrapped his arms around Evelyn's body, putting his head into her neck, kissing her neck once in a while, Evelyn spit the toothpaste out then started brushing her tounge, once she was done she washed her mouth off of the toothpaste and put listerine in her mouth then spit it out, Evelyn dried her face with a towel and Draco and Tom both started brushing their teeth.

Evelyn climbed into her bed and layed down, she felt lazy and also horny but she didn't say anything, she was going to name this day a lazy day, she wanted breakfast, Evelyn went downstairs and was met with Pansy who was in the kitchen eating cereal and milk, Pansy looked at Evelyn and passed her the cereal box, Evelyn smiled and thanked her, she went into the fridge and got out the milk, Evelyn got a bowl and poured some cereal into it then put the milk, she then got a spoon and sat down at the table, eating her cereal and milk.

They were both eating in silence, only thing that was being heard was the spoon against the bowl and their chewing, "I'm sorry" Pansy said and Evelyn looked at her still eating her cereal and milk, "I'm sorry for the way I acted" Pansy said and Evelyn nodded her head, am I suppose to apologize?, Evelyn asked herself.

"I'm sorry I kissed Blaise even though it was an accident and we were drunk" Evelyn said and Pansy gave her a faint smile, "I'm sorry for calling you a whore" Pansy said as her smile faded, "It's okay" Evelyn said still eating her cereal and milk, "I just- I just need time till I can calm down a-and talk to you and Daphne, can you tell her I'm sorry" Pansy asked and Evelyn nodded her head, "Uh sure" Evelyn said and Pansy gave her a faint smile, "How's it going with you and Jake?" Evelyn asked and Pansy had a huge smile on her face, "Everything's going great" Pansy said and her face turned red.

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