42. The War

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Feb, 2nd 1979

Honestly I'm trying my best to make Evelyn get attention.


It had been almost three months since Evelyn has been pregnant and she was being treated the best, she had a small bump which was not shown.

But everyday, everything would get worse, there were rumors that Harry Potter and his friends were being seen everywhere they went but were always disappearing afterwards.

That scared them all knowing that the war was going to be happening soon and no one wanted the war to even happen and both Draco and Tom were scared of what Evelyn would do.

They did not want her to participate in the war.

But neither knew if they were going to win or lose and it scared them that if Voldemort won, hell would lose not that it hasn't but still they needed Voldemort to die, they needed Harry Potter to be able to kill him.

Draco was bit scared of Evelyn due to her hormones, yelling at him one second and the next being an angel where as Tom was not phased of this, he just casually did what she wanted with a blank face.

Evelyn was laying down reading a book when Draco barged into the room, the girl put down the book ready to yell.

"The dark lord's here" the blonde said and Evelyn sighed as she stood up grabbing his hand and walking down the stairs with him, the two walked into the dining room and sat down.

They waited until the seats were full and let out a soft sigh.

"The war will be happening in a matter of time, meaning soon, it would either be today, tomorrow or some other day bit this week" Voldemort said and Evelyn's breath hitched.

This was not a good time for a war.

"Evelyn, you will be next to me to protect me if any of Potters friends decides to do something" Voldemort said and she nodded her head as he did as well before leaving.

The other deatheaters leaving as well as she just sat there, Tom caressed her cheek and groaned letting out curses, Draco just fiddling with his fingers.

"Well we better spend all the time with you" Tom said and she rolled her eyes as she layed her head on his shoulder, Draco laying his head on her lap, the girl playing with his hair.

"What if we hid you like somewhere safe?" Draco asked and heard the girl laugh, "It wouldn't work Dray" she said and he got off her lap, "You don't know that, maybe it would" The blonde said and she sighed looking at Tom.

"Dray—" Tom started but they both were cut off by him storming out the room, "Okay then go have a tantrum" Tom said and Evelyn giggled as Tom picked her up bridal style and began walking up the stairs.

Tom opened the door to their room door and layed the girl on the bed, laying down next to her while humming.

Narcissa sighed running her hand through Draco's hair again, "Draco" she said softly and watched as the blonde shook his head, "Don't you think you should listen to what she says, it's her choice on if she wants to fight in the war"

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now