19. Winner Or Loser

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Vote and Comment or else Tom dies😩🙃😏

TW: blood

Also I deleted what I said about me because I didn't feel comfortable with it up anymore.

Also please check my message board on some days because I say stuff that are important and no one and I mean no one reads them and then some people ask when I'm updating :/, I was taking a break from writing.

New chapter will be out when this once has 40 votes and idk comments.



Evelyn woke up to sun shining in her face, the girl groaned and rubbed at her eyes until her vision was cleared, she looked around and saw Theodore sleeping and saw Mattheo on the couch sleeping but someone was ontop of him, Blaise.

Evelyn smiled.

They stayed.

The girl got up and walked into the bathroom, she closed the door and looked in the mirror, a hickey was on her neck, she raised her sweater and saw her skin was a bit red, she traced it and frowned, she raised her sleeve and saw her wrists were red, her eyes watered as she remembered what had happened last night.

The tear slipped from her eye and she wiped it quickly, Evelyn sighed and did her business, she then washed her hands again and washed her face, she also brushed her teeth then went back into the bedroom, seeing the three still asleep, Evelyn saw Blaise stirring in his sleep and heard Mattheo groan as he pulled the covers up more.

"Stop moving" Mattheo said sleepily and Blaise nuzzled his head in the boys neck, Evelyn smiled at the two and looked at Theodore seeing him hugging a pillow while sleeping, she wanted to get up and walk out her dorm but she was scared to step out.

What if it happened again and no one was there to save her?

Evelyn hadn't realised that she was silently crying when she felt someone wipe her tears, she looked up and saw Theodore, her lips quivering as she looked at him, he was blinking a lot trying to get the sleep out of him, Theodore held his hand out slowly and carefully and Evelyn placed her hand ontop of his, he then moved a bit closer to her and pulled her to his chest hugging her.

"It's okay Evelyn, don't worry it won't happen again we'll make sure of it okay" Theodore whispered and she nodded her head against his chest, "B-but what if you guys are not where I am and...it happens again" the girl said and Theodore kissed her forehead, "Don't worry we're not going anywhere" Theodore said.

"I miss them" Evelyn whispered and Theodore sighed caressing her cheek, "Then why did you end the relationship?" Theodore asked as he started to play with her hair, "Reasons" she said and he nodded his head.

"Are you still participating in the contest?" Theodore asked and Evelyn wiped her tears looking at him, "Of course I am, I'm not going to let anyone ruin me like that and if I don't go and participate and wear my costume then all the hard work was for nothing all because of that stupid boy" Evelyn said as her voice slightly crack at the mention of boy.

Theodore smiled and kissed her forehead, "They actually look really cute together" Theodore said motioning to Blaise and Mattheo, "Yea they do" Evelyn said and then they heard Mattheo groan again as he stretched his arms, his eyes still closed.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now