12. Their First Arguement

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Sorry Not Sorry


Tom had just woken up and saw the bed empty except for Draco beside him, he sighed again, he didn't know what he or what they did wrong for her to just stop hanging out with them and always coming up with excuses, Tom missed having Evelyn in his arms, he missed cuddling with her, he missed kissing her, he missed her laugh, her smile, her childishness, he missed her.

But he wasn't sure if Evelyn missed him.

It had been two weeks since Draco's birthday and two days later Evelyn had stopped hanging out with them, she would but hardly, she stopped sleeping next to them, she stopped kissing them, only kisses on the cheeks, Tom was confused until he had found out why she wasn't hanging out with them anymore.

Evelyn had been hanging out with Mattheo and some random Slytherins, he didn't understand what he did wrong.

Tom sighed and kissed Draco's cheek then went into the bathroom, Tom splashed water onto his face and sighed, he missed Evelyn, "I miss her too" Draco said frowning and Tom gave him a half smile.

"Go to sleep, you need it" Tom said and Draco groaned but smiled and went back to bed, Tom mentally groaned and started brushing his teeth, once he was done, he changed into clothes and went to get breakfast, he had told Draco to either come or text him if he was hungry.

When Tom entered the great hall, he saw Evelyn and Mattheo sat next to each other while laughing, Tom rolled his eyes, if she wanted to go and talk to his brother and flirt then he'll do the same with another girl.

Tom walked and sat next to a bunch of girls, "Hi" a girl said twirling a strand of hair in her hand, "Hi" Tom said and looked to see Evelyn looking at him, Tom rolled his eyes at Evelyn and continued talking to the girl.

Tom didn't care what Evelyn thought about him talking to other girls, he didn't care if she would be jealous, he didn't care at all because he knew she brought it on herself when she decided to stop all connections towards him and Draco.

Had she found them boring now? Did she just use them for sex? Had Evelyn just wanted to use them? Had she just wanted to break them, to hurt them? Those were all of Tom's thoughts.

After a few minutes breakfast was over and Tom was walking when he spotted Evelyn, he knew she was waiting for him but he just ignored her and walked away, "Tom" Evelyn said and Tom continued walking, "To-" Evelyn started again.

"What? What the fuck do you want Evelyn, hm go and fuck him you stupid whore, no wait one fucking question why the fuck are you ignoring us, you don't even talk to us or anything because you are always fucking with Mattheo and who is that huh? Why Evelyn? Was this all some sick joke to you? Were you using us this whole fucking time? Were you just using us for sex what the fuck is your problem? Why huh why, but just remember if Draco is more but than this I will fucking kill you Evelyn I don't care" Tom snapped breathing heavily.

"Tom I-I I'm sorry" Evelyn said and he scoffed, "You're sorry, you're fucking sorry is that all you have to say" Tom said and Evelyn looked down, "Whatever go fuck him see if I care" Tom said and walked away, "Tom I wasn't, I'm not- I'm not going to fuck him and I wasn't going to either" Evelyn said, "Why? Why are you ignoring us?" Tom asked and Evelyn sighed.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now