3. Dark Mark

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It has been two weeks since their sixth year at Hogwarts has started, two weeks since the heated session in the shower, two weeks since Pansy and Blaise did stuff together, two weeks since Evelyn got that unknown box with the choker inside and the letter, and therefore there hasn't been any news on any deatheaters showing up.

But Evelyn and the rest of her friends have heard rumors that Harry Potter and his minions all think that Draco, Evelyn, Tom and the rest of their friend group are deatheaters which is a lie of course, Evelyn, Pansy and Daphne all don't have the dark mark their not so sure about the boys.

"You know I get that we are slytherins but does he always have to judge us" Blaise said annoyed because of the rumors, "Well what do you expect he is Harry Potter the boy who lived" Draco said in a mocking tone as he brought the cigarette to his lips before exhaling it and passing it to Tom, "And the boy who rejected your handshake" Evelyn said chuckling and Draco glared at her to shut up while the rest just laughed.

They were all outside hanging out under Draco's 'special tree', Tom then passed the cigarette to Evelyn which she gladly took, putting it to her lips as it burned and the exhaled it, passing it down to Pansy.

"I have a question" Evelyn said and they all hummed in responsed, "For the boys" Evelyn said, "What is it?" Tom asked, "Are you guys deatheaters?" Evelyn asked and they looked at her, Tom just rolled his eyes pulling up his sleeve exposing his mark, "Holy shit it is badass" Evelyn said as she looked at it and they all just looked at her before shaking their heads, "Does it hurt?" She asked, "Just a little but then you get used to it, but it does hurt when he calls" Draco said and Evelyn mumbled an 'okay' before resting her head on his shoulder looking at the stars.

The cold breeze hitting their faces and the moonlight shining on them, wolf's howling far away, Evelyn then held up Draco's right hand and was about to pull back his sleeve when he stopped her and guided her to his other hand, she lifted the sleeve and looked at the mark tracing it.

"Are all the marks on the left hand?" Evelyn asked and Draco nodded his head inhaling the cigarette then exhaling it, the smoke going into her face as she waved it away and glared at him, as he just looked at her and smirked then chuckling, she then rolled her eyes and started paying back attention to the mark.

"One badass tattoo" Evelyn mumbled under her breath, "You are fucking crazy" Theo said to his friend, "I'm not and its not my fault that moldy voldy can create badass tattoos" Evelyn said and she rested Draco's hand down slowly.

"She is right that tattoo is badass and no one can change my mind" Pansy said, "Not even me" Blaise said smirking and Pansy blushed before turning her head away and resting it on Daphne's shoulder hiding her face, Blaise just chuckled at the girl's response.

Ever since 'that night' happened between the two, Blaise has been teasing her ever since, but Pansy and her friends know how to get back at him, they decided that they were going to help Pansy get back at him by putting on the hottest lingerie and teasing him with it.

Pansy would be in his room laying down while she is in the lingerie and wait for him to come in the room, once he did, Evelyn and Daphne would push him down onto a chair and tie him up and then leave the fun to them both while Pansy teases him.

"So basically us boys have the dark marks except for you girls" Enzo asked and they nodded their heads, Pansy found out that Blaise had the mark because when they were having their 'fun' and he took off his sweater she saw the mark on him, and he tried covering it up but she just kissed him and then stuff happened.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now