24. The Trio

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Written by the author. (who everyone loves)

Surprise for you all😏😏


Evelyn awoke to a bright light and the sounds of machines beeping, the girl groaned and turned her head, she saw some stuff hooked up onto her hand and could see someone standing up and making their way over to her.

"Draco" Evelyn said and he moved her hair from her face, "Hey" He said and she smiled, "You okay?" He asked and Evelyn nodded her head, Draco helped the girl to sit up and held her hand.

"Where's Mattheo?" Evelyn asked and Draco sighed, "He's in another room, you guys were hurt pretty badly and the doctors said that they found some kind of poison in Mattheo" Draco said and Evelyn looked at him confused.

"Where is Tom?" Evelyn asked, "With Mattheo" Draco replied and Evelyn nodded her head, "Oh my sweetheart you're awake" Anne said but Evelyn kept a blank expression towards her mother.

Anne hugged her, "Please get off of me" Evelyn said as she pushed her mother away from her, Anne taken by surprise looked at her confused, "Leave" Evelyn said not looking at Anne, Draco was confused on what was going on.

Evelyn looked at her hands and saw them bandaged up, "When can I leave?" Evelyn asked Draco and he shrugged, "Whenever you want" the blonde said, "I want to leave now" she said and Draco sighed and called a nurse.

"Hi! how are you!?" The nurse asked and Evelyn stared blankly at her, she didn't like how happy that nurse was, "Can you like I dunno, take these stuff off of me?" Evelyn asked and the nurse frowned but nodded her head and took the doctor stuff off of her.

(A/n: idk what there called so yea)

After a few minutes, Evelyn stood up and went into a bathroom, changing into the clothes Draco gave her, it was his sweatshirt which smelled like him and a pair of her sweatpants, Evelyn smiled and walked out of the bathroom.

Draco took the bag from her and held her other hand which did not have a cut on it, Evelyn saw Mattheo and hugged him, "I was somehow poisoned" he said and Evelyn laughed a bit.

"I'm glad you're okay" Evelyn said to Mattheo and he smiled, "You're okay, right?" She heard Tom ask and nodded her head, "It was quite dangerous but very very fun and interesting" Evelyn said and Mattheo laughed.

"And we also found out that some people actually lie about saying they will promise something but don't" Evelyn said loud enough for Anne to hear making her sigh as she walked away with Severus.

"I met my dead sister who was very nice" Evelyn said and their eyes widened, "Well isn't that just-" Lorenzo said, "Nice?" Daphne said and Mattheo stifled a laugh.

"Let's leave" Evelyn said as they left the hospital and went into cars, they all sat in the car as the driver began to drive, Evelyn layed her head on Draco's shoulder, playing with his rings, "That's a new one" Evelyn said looking at a ring, she did not notice on his finger.

Draco tensed up as she mentioned it.

"I- yeah I um bought it the other day" Draco said and Evelyn smiled nodding her head, "Well its pretty" Evelyn said as she admired it.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now