25. Breaking Things

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Written by the author.

Also ship name is Domlyn.


Evelyn slapped Mattheo twice on both sides of his cheeks, "Die" she said and he laughed, "You're just mad you can't do magic" Mattheo said laughing while the girl pouted.

Evelyn did not want to be near her mother so she made well forced Mattheo to help train her to learn how to use and dor magic, she wanted to learn how to do wandless magic.

"Ignalusa" Evelyn said again and saw nothing.

Ignalusa was a spell that could create fire and she has been trying for the last ten minutes but it wouldn't work.

Evelyn let out a frustrated groan as she took a rock and threw it at Mattheo, "Kill you" she said and he ran as she chased him, Evelyn jumped onto his back making him scream.

Evelyn then thought about something, she saw the rock, Evelyn closed her eyes and imagined the rock flying over and hitting Mattheo, she put her hand out to the rock and muttered the spell, "Ictus" and felt something hard hit her hand.

"Holy shit you did it" Mattheo said and Evelyn smiled as she hit him with the rock, "Ow bitch" Mattheo said and she smirked blowing him a kiss before leaving, "That was great" Theodore said and she smirked, "I know it was" Evelyn said and walked off going into her room.

"Nuh uh, just because you did one spe-" Mattheo started but was cut off, "Ignalusa" Evelyn whispered and fire was created, "Cool right? Yea I know" she said and his jaw dropped, "Anyways I think there is a meeting today" Evelyn said.

"In like five minutes" she said shrugging her shoulders, "Dunno" she said once again as she looked for her lip balm, seeing it under her pillow, the girl walked back over to her dresser and out mascara on along with perfume.

Evelyn sprayed Mattheo with the perfume making him glare at her, "You smell great" she said and walked past him.

"Ok what's going on?" Theodore asked scared for life, "I have no idea" Mattheo said and Theodore hummed, "I'm getting her mother" Theodore said and Mattheo silently cursed him running after him.

"Something's wrong with Evelyn, one minute she's dumb and doesn't know how to do wandless magic, the next minute she does and the she like knows that there is going to be a meeting in five minutes and she's acting weird" Theodore said out of breath.

"Did you three go in the training room?" Anne asked and Theodore and Mattheo nodded their heads making her sigh, "There is a rock in there and it like messed with you" she said and sighed once more.

"Of course she had to choose that one" Anne said and they then all felt their marks burning, Evelyn walked past them and right by the front door scrolling on her phone, "What's up with her?" Draco asked, "She's possessed by the devil" Mattheo said and the blonde mumbled an oh.

"Let's go come on people" Evelyn said scoffing and aparated to Malfoy Manor them all aparating after her, "I don't like this new her or whatever" Belle said and Daphne nodded her head as they all went into the dining room and sat down, Draco next to his parents and Evelyn sitting next to Severus and Anne.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now