6. Girls Nightout

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Mature Content Y'all 😏

(BXB) 😏😏

Be lucky that I am giving you all this mature content
Also I felt like making a kind of sad chapter.

Blaise woke up the next the morning to the sunlight shining into Evelyn's room, he sat up and rubbed his eyes then stretching and looking over at the bed to see the three of them all cuddled up together, Evelyn turned away from Draco and Tom and Draco's hand was wrapped in around Evelyn's waist, while Tom's was wrapped around Draco's.

Blaise smiled at the lovebirds and went into Evelyn's bathroom and closed the door, he opened the tap of water and filled his hand with it and washed his face, he then found her soap which was dove soap, he laughed to himself knowing that it's the only kind soap Evelyn would use, once he was done with putting the soap on his face, he washed it off and got a spare toothbrush, brushing his teeth, once he was done he walked out the bathroom and saw them still sleeping except Draco had turned away from Evelyn and had his arm wrapped around Tom, Blaise just shook his head and walked over to the bed and folded the sheets then folded the bed putting them back to normal.

He walked out the bedroom quietly and into the kitchen where he found Pansy making coffee with messy hair, he snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist kissing her on the cheek, "Hi" Blaise said as Pansy leaned back on him, "Hi, would you like some coffee?" Pansy asked the boy, "Of course I would" Blaise said nuzzling his head into her neck, he then kissed her neck and watched as she made the coffee, when Pansy was finished with the coffee she set it on the table next to Blaise, "Thank you" Blaise said to the girl, "Your welcome, uhm do you want something to eat?" Pansy asked and Blaise stood up holding his coffee, "How about I make breakfast?" Blaise suggested and put his cup down and got the hair tie he had on his wrist and held the girls hair in his grasp and started tieing it, Blaise watched as the girl blushed and chuckled kissing her on the cheek, "So cute" he said and got eggs out of the fridge.

He opened the freezer and got bacon out putting it under hot water so it can thaw out, he got butter and turkey sausages and closed the fridge looking for frying pans, "Trixie" Blaise yelled and the elf appeared, "Yes sir" the little elf said, "Do you know where the frying pans are?" He asked the elf, "Yes it's right there" she said and pointed to a cabinet with pans, Blaise walked up to the cabinet and opened it finding a frying pan, he took it out and thanked the elf, "Do you care for some help?" The elf asked, "No, you should go and relax" Blaise said to the elf and she disappeared while Pansy looked at him in awe as he moved around, his muscles showing anytime he moved his hands, Pansy was now biting her lip as she looked at the boy.

"Uh where were you last night?" Pansy asked Blaise, "Why? Did you miss me?" Blaise asked with a smirk and Pansy just stayed quiet, "I was sleeping in Evelyn's room, don't worry we didn't do anything and I slept on the couch" Blaise said to the girl, "Okay" Pansy said believing him knowing that her bestfriend would never do any sort of what came to her mind, Pansy just smiler and drank her coffee watching Blaise made breakfast.


Evelyn woke up to Draco's foot across her and his hand wrapped around he wasit with his head nuzzled in her neck, she smiled and turned a bit, which made him almost be fully ontop of her, she removed his messy hair from his eyes and started caressing his face, Draco scrunched up his nose and nuzzled his head deeper into her neck.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now