16: Halloween Costume Contest

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TW: mentions of blood and self-harm, suicidal thoughts, mentions of rape.

faithhmalfoyy ily


"Kill them" the voice whispered, "Kill them" it whispered again, "Kill who?" Evelyn asked, "Kill them" it said and she looked around but all she could see was darkness and fog, she was breathing heavily, wanting this nightmare to stop.

"Come on Evelyn don't be weak and kill them" it said again and she could almost make out the voice, "Kill who" she asked and they chuckled, "Kill them" it said, "Will you just tell me who I am fucking killing" Evelyn asked and they chuckled again.

But this time, she heard them behind her, it wasn't a man though it was a girl, she knew from the voice it was a girl, they were dressed in all black and their face was covered with a mask, "Show your face coward" Evelyn yelled and they chuckled again then circled her, Evelyn stepped back tripping over a rock hissing, "Fuck" she said as she held her foot.

Her breathing was beginning to speed up at this, they then pulled a sharp object out and Evelyn's eyes widened at this, "I should kill you since you can't get the job done" they said, "Who do you want me to fucking kill?" Evelyn asked and they chuckled again.

"Avada Kedarva!"

Evelyn woke up panting and sweating, she looked around and felt her chest, still feeling her heart beating, "What the fuck" Evelyn said, she then felt a sharp pain in her foot and removed the blanket, it was the same bruise from the dream, the same spot.

Evelyn slowly got off the bed, ignoring the pain in her foot, she went into the bathroom and went in the cabinet getting stuff out, she got a wrap and went back into the bedroom, she cleaned the wound then wrapped it, "What the actual fuck is going on?" Evelyn asked herself.


Draco, what was he doing? He was trying to get Tom to talk to him and to get him to notice him again, but all Tom did was smoke, drink and sleep with girls, this hurted Draco that he would sometimes come to his dorm and find them naked on his bed or them either doing it.

This hurted Draco so much, that he broke the promise he kept to himself, he started doing it again, he was currently sat on his bed watching as Tom scrolled on his phone, Draco just sighed and got up, he took the alcohol from next to Tom and went into the bathroom emptying it.

"Are you fucking serious?" Tom asked, "No actually heard he died last year" Draco said unbothered then walked out the bathroom, Tom following him, "What the fuck is your problem?" Tom asked and Draco scoffed.

"My problem are you fucking serious, what is your problem Tom, fine I understand that Evelyn ended stuff with us okay, that's her problem and choice okay, but you don't fucking get to ask me what my problem is when you just come in here almost every fucking day and do the same fucking routine, drink, smoke and fuck girls, no Tom you don't get to ask me what my problem is, you don't fucking understand what I am going through, you're just going through a heartbreak as well as me but you can't just threat me like a fucking piece of shit, because Evelyn left, no you can't do that, so if you want to know what my problem is, there, look you fucking have it" Draco said and Tom just stared at him dumbfounded.

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