41. The News

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Dec, 4th 1978

Once again, sorry not sorry, you can leave the story if you want, your choice


Mattheo mentally groaned as he rubbed his eyes, hearing the sounds of annoying birds chirping, he could also hear the trio talking which annoyed him even more as he stood up and walked to where they were.

"Well look who decided to finally wake up" Harry said and Mattheo rolled his eyes as Ron placed a bowl onto the table with cereal and milk.

"It's all we have" The ginger whispered and Mattheo smiled as he nodded his head, "When am I ever going to be able to see my precious baby?" Mattheo asked and Harry groaned banging his head on the table.

"When we figure out how we're going to kill your stupid father" The raven head said and Mattheo pouted as Hermione rolled her eyes and walked out the tent.

"Is your whole family just ginger coloured?" Mattheo asked and Ron sighed nodding his head, "Hm ok" Mattheo said before patting Ron on the back.

"Here eat this out, I'm full" Mattheo said as Ron looked at him who now got up and went outside.

Ron shrugged and ate the breakfast, he was given, food is food.

"Hey bird nest hair girl and the boy who lived, watcha talkin about?" Mattheo asked and Harry picked up a stick throwing it at the boy.

"We need to find a new location in case the deatheaters decided to come looking here" Hermione said and Mattheo's head perked up at that but she just shook her head at him, the boy sighed as he turned around and walked to the tent.

Everytime she would say that, Mattheo always hoped that he would atleast see Blaise there, Blaise looked for them, for him.

But that never happened, Matthoe remembered when he had decided to stay behind once and that caused them all trouble as they were almost caught and Mattheo had to promise and swear to not do it again.

"Don't worry, you'll see him again" Ron said as he bent down to pick up something and Mattheo smirked grabbing a pillow and smacked the ginger.

"Hey! Stop that!!" The ginger yelled and Mattheo rolled his eyes, "Can't help it, sorry not sorry" Mattheo said and Ron groaned.

"That's what I would love to hear from my baby" Mattheo said and Ron rolled his eyes.

Evelyn looked at her food then back at everyone at the table, then to Belle and Narcissa, they were also looking at her, trying to hide their smiles.

She then looked at Draco and Tom and could see them both whisper arguing whilst Theodore was holding Blaise's hand to his face, rubbing it.

Lorenzo just eating in silence while reading and Lucius well reading the daily prophet.

And her sister, well she was in her own world, looking at jewelry Narcissa gave her with a fascinated look and would occasionally say stuff.

"This is very much pretty" Isabella said raising the necklace showing them all and they all smiled.

It's true, she was a bit confused on most things since she could not leave her house and since she was dead.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now