39. Lucius Finds Out

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Surprise surprise


Lucius Malfoy watched as Tom Riddle grabbed his son's hand and Evelyn's dragging them both outside, he then snapped his attention back to Voldemort and watched as Voldemort approached him.

"You had one job Lucius" Voldemort said and Lucius looked down as he watched Voldemort step back, the other drawing his wand.

"Crucio" Voldemort said and Lucius let out a yell as he dropped to the ground gripping at his chest and stomach, breathing heavily, eyes closed.

He could hear Voldemort crucioing the others except for Bellatrix which made him secretly scoff in his mind ignoring that he was hurt.

"None of you better mess up again or else the punishment would be worse" Voldemort said and they all nodded their heads as Voldemort disaparated with Naigini and Bellatrix after him.

After a while Lucius stood up on his feet and left Riddle Manor, aparating back to Malfoy Manor.

Lucius walked into his office and sat down sighing.


Lucius heard the door slam downstairs and got up peeking out his door, he could see Tom Riddle now entering the Manor, the older blonde walked out the office and looked at Tom Riddle with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" Tom asked, "What relationship do you have with my son?" Lucius asked and he watched as Tom scoffed.

"Can't you even at least pretend your happy for him? Do you know how long it took him to figure out his sexuality and at the same time you were abusing him so it got him even more scared so how about you stop making things about yourself and accept that your son likes guys which is me and you better fucking stop with your fake homophobic shit because everyone basically knows something happened between you and Severus"

Tom walked away and went into the blondes room leaving Lucius Malfoy shocked.


Lucius stood by his son's door and leaned in, he could hear the two muttering stuff which made him move his head before putting it back and hearing them both say 'I love you's'

"What are you doing?" He heard Narcissa ask and turned around to see her looking at him confused, "Nothing" he said and watched as she sighed.

"Let me guess Tom finally told you something about your behavior and reminded you of Severus" Narcissa asked a smirk forming on her face and he rolled his eyes shoving past her going back into his office.

The elder blonde sat down once again and sighed, he may need to talk to Draco tomorrow.


Lucius stood up and walked into his bathroom, brushing his teeth and then going downstairs and getting a cup of tea, the elder blonde sat down as he read the daily prophet.

He could hear the sound of someone walking and looked up seeing Evelyn walking into the kitchen with a tired expression on her face, he watched as the girl got a cup of coffee then took the daily prophet from him.

"I'm sick" Evelyn said and Lucius held a blank expression on his face, "I threw up" she said once more and he rolled his eyes continuing to drink his tea before taking the daily prophet back.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now