37. A Visit To Hell

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Evelyn was layed on Tom's chest, Draco on his other side cuddled into him.

She sighed as she sat up looking at them, the girl leaned against the headboard ignoring the pain in her leg, she watched as Tom groaned and turned throwing his arm around the blonde bringing him closer.

Evelyn smiled.

"You're suffocating me" Evelyn heard Draco mumble and almost laughed as she saw him struggling to get out of the others arms, "Stop moving" Tom mumbled as he pulled Draco closer to him.

"You're killing me" the blonde said and bit Tom, the other slapping Draco on the face, Evelyn started laughing as Draco held his face rubbing it as Tom turned around going back to sleep.

"Stupid bitch" Draco mumbled, "Yea and this stupid bitch can dominant your submissive ass so shut the fuck up and go to sleep or else I will find a way to put you to sleep" Tom said as Draco's eyes widened.

Draco looked at Evelyn and smiled then looked back at Tom, flipping him off, "I know you did not just flip me off" Tom said and the blonde's eyes widened, "No" the blonde said quietly as Tom turned around and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Hm?" Tom asked and the blonde shook his head as Tom hummed, "Do you guys want to go see Anne?" Evelyn suddenly asked and the two looked at her, "Why would we? She ruined our relationship" Draco said as he poked Tom's face.

"Hush Draco" Tom said placing his index finger on the blondes lips, the blonde bit his finger making him hiss as Draco laughed, Tom glared at him and attacked him on the bed, "Assholes" Evelyn said as she got up only to be grabbed by the waist.

Tom kissed her face and smirked as she rolled her eyes, "You two are mine" Tom said and they rolled their eyes, "I'm not yours, you are mine" Draco said and Tom looked at him with a raised eyebrow as the blonde hid his face in the pillow.

"You're cute when you think that you are dominate one baby" Tom said as he grabbed the boy hugging him and kissing his face, "You love me" Draco said and Tom nodded his head, "I know I do love" Tom said as the blonde smiled.

"But yes we would love to meet your evil mother" Tom said as Draco glared at him, "Oh hush ferret" Tom said and Draco frowned as Evelyn laughed at him, Tom kissed his cheek but the blonde got up and went into the bathroom.

Tom sighed and followed the blonde in the bathroom as Evelyn started counting.


She could hear the sound of stuff falling onto the ground and snickered as she got up and leaned against the door frame, the girl smirked seeing them both in a heavy makeout session.

Tom's hand wrapped around the blondes throat while the blondes hands were tangled in the others hair tugging at it.

"At least brush both of your nasty teeths" Evelyn said and they flipped her off as she laughed walking into the bathroom, limping which made them smirk.

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now